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getElementById with HTML string? |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 1:04 PM | Permanent Link |
PA | With this code I get the HTML from a resource IN THE SAME ORIGIN:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ServerRequest1.URL := 'test.html'; ServerRequest1.Execute; end; procedure TForm1.ServerRequest1Complete(Request: TServerRequest); begin MultiLineEdit1.Lines.Assign(Request.ResponseContent); end; This inserts this HTML inside the MultiLineEdit1 control: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ExtractDiv test</title> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <ul style="list-style-type: upper-roman"> <li>Äpfel</li> <li>Birnen</li> </ul> </div> </body> </html> So is there a EWB function to extract this div with the "main" ID from the HTML string (like getElementById in JavaScript): <div id="main"> <ul style="list-style-type: upper-roman"> <li>Äpfel</li> <li>Birnen</li> </ul> </div> |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 3:59 PM | Permanent Link |
PA | OK, I've solved this with an external JavaScript:
function ExtractElementByIdFromString(HTMLString, IdString) { var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(HTMLString, "text/html"); var R = doc.getElementById(IdString); return R.outerHTML; } |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 4:43 PM | Permanent Link |
PA | Aaaarghhh!!! The above JavaScript function seems to work in all browsers, EXCEPT in Opera 12.17 Build 1863!!
So I wrapped the JavaScript function call inside a try-except structure, but the Opera browser still shows the error message: procedure TForm1.ServerRequest1Complete(Request: TServerRequest); var ExtrDiv: string; begin try ExtrDiv := ExtractElementByIdFromString(Request.ResponseContent.Text, 'main'); except ExtrDiv := 'PAError'; end; MultiLineEdit1.Lines.Text := ExtrDiv; end; And here is the error message from Opera: http://i.imgur.com/YrvQhyp.png In Delphi, the statement inside the except section suppresses the error and executes the code in the except section. Why this does not work in EWB? |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 5:35 PM | Permanent Link |
Raul Team Elevate | On 10/1/2015 4:43 PM, PA wrote:
> Aaaarghhh!!! The above JavaScript function seems to work in all browsers, EXCEPT in Opera 12.17 Build 1863!! > http://i.imgur.com/YrvQhyp.png > In Delphi, the statement inside the except section suppresses the error and executes the code in the except section. Why this does not work in EWB? I'm taking a guess here but my guess is that you to handle the exception in your external function (ExtractElementByIdFromString). i'd try wrapping your external function in a JS try/except Raul |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 5:43 PM | Permanent Link |
PA | Thanks Raul, for now I've solved this problem by checking the browser name ("Opera") and using a compatible function with Opera (which has a small drawback) but which gives me the same result in Opera as the above function in the other browsers.
BTW, I've learned a lot about JavaScript by using EWB |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 5:58 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Raul,
<< I'm taking a guess here but my guess is that you to handle the exception in your external function (ExtractElementByIdFromString). >> That's not going to help. See my reply to Peter. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 6:36 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | PA,
<< OK, I've solved this with an external JavaScript: >> Not required. The following EWB code will do what you want: uses WebDOM; function ExtractElementByIdFromString(const HTMLString: String; const IdString: String): String; var TempDocument: TDocument; TempElement: TDOMElement; begin TempDocument:=TDOMParser.Create.parseFromString(HTMLString,'text/html'); TempElement:=TempDocument.getElementById(IdString); Result:=THTMLElement(TempElement).outerHTML; end; procedure TForm1.Button10Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(ExtractElementByIdFromString(MultiLineEdit1.Lines.Text,'main')); end; You should really spend some time learning more about EWB. I see you trying to use JS for a lot of things that can be accomplished directly in EWB, especially manipulations of the DOM. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Thu, Oct 1 2015 6:49 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Peter,
<< Aaaarghhh!!! The above JavaScript function seems to work in all browsers, EXCEPT in Opera 12.17 Build 1863!! >> Yes, the DOMParser object is not supported until Opera 17 (based upon the MDN docs). << So I wrapped the JavaScript function call inside a try-except structure, but the Opera browser still shows the error message: >> If you run the EWB code that I posted in a try..except, it works fine in Opera 12.17: procedure TForm1.Button10Click(Sender: TObject); begin try ShowMessage(ExtractElementByIdFromString(MultiLineEdit1.Lines.Text,'main')); except on E: Exception do ShowMessage('Error: '+E.Message); end; end; I went ahead and tested your external JS version also, and it works fine in 12.17 with the try..except also, so I'm not sure what you're seeing on your end. Are you sure that you're observing what you think you're observing ? IOW, did you actually run it though the browser debugger with a breakpoint on the except block code ? Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Fri, Oct 2 2015 5:40 AM | Permanent Link |
PA | To avoid error messages and keep the functionality even when using a browser which does not support DOMParser, in the except section I use this JavaScript:
// for browsers which do not support DOMParser: function ExtractElementByIdFromString2(HTMLString, IdString) { var result, temp = document.createElement('div'); // Create a temporary element temp.innerHTML = HTMLString; // Set the passed string as HTML to the temporary element result = temp.querySelector('#' + IdString).outerHTML; // Find an element with the passed id return result; } This works well. However, to follow your advice to not unnecessarily using external JavaScript, I tried to implement the functionality of the above Javascript in EWB: // for Opera etc.: function ExtractElementByIdFromString2(const HTMLString: String; const IdString: String): String; var TempDocument: TDocument; TempElement: TDOMElement; begin TempDocument := TDocument.Create; // Create a temporary document TempElement := TempDocument.createElement('div'); // Create a temporary element THTMLElement(TempElement).innerHTML := HTMLString; // Set the passed string as HTML to the temporary element Result := TempDocument.querySelector('#' + IdString).outerHTML; // Find an element with the passed id -> ERROR!! end; However, this gives me a compiler error in the Result line: [Error] Unit1.wbs (65,39): There is no function or procedure declaration that matches the querySelector('#' + IdString).outerHTML reference So is it possible at all to implement this in EWB? |
Fri, Oct 2 2015 5:57 AM | Permanent Link |
PA | So I tried this one:
// for Opera etc.: function ExtractElementByIdFromString2(const HTMLString: String; const IdString: String): String; var TempDocument: TDocument; TempElement, TempElement2: TDOMElement; begin TempDocument := TDocument.Create; // Create a temporary document TempElement := TempDocument.createElement('div'); // Create a temporary element THTMLElement(TempElement).innerHTML := HTMLString; // Set the passed string as HTML to the temporary element TempElement2 := TempDocument.getElementById(IdString); // Find an element with the passed id Result := THTMLElement(TempElement2).outerHTML; end; Here the compiler did not complain. However, Opere gave me this error message: http://i.imgur.com/deY6qBA.png |
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