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Thread DRAGGABLE at run-time?
Sat, Oct 3 2015 1:44 PMPermanent Link



is it possible to make a TBasicPanel or a TImage DRAGGABLE at run-time?
Sat, Oct 3 2015 2:11 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< is it possible to make a TBasicPanel or a TImage DRAGGABLE at run-time? >>

Yes, but it involves creating a descendant control.  See here for how to do this (approximately):


This functionality is now already in the TPanel/TDialog controls/forms:


Tim Young
Elevate Software
Sat, Oct 3 2015 5:00 PMPermanent Link


It would be SO NICE being able to do something like this natively with EWB:

Thu, Oct 8 2015 8:11 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

PA wrote:

> It would be SO NICE being able to do something like this natively
> with EWB:
> http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_draganddrop

You can - or at least you can in EWB1. I have an application where you
can drag circles from one place to another. They just have to be
parented properly, though now I come to think of it, the end points
actually are other circles, but the core dragging of an object around
the form is not hard. I will be converting that application to EWB2
soon, I hope, to support touch too.


Matthew Jones