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Thread EWB Modules Manual For Rad Studio 10S Not Found
Wed, Oct 7 2015 10:32 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin


Please be advised that when I click on the PDF manual icon to the right of the modules manual for Rad Studio 10S, the following error pops up:-

HTTP Error: 404

Resource /ewb2modrsdelphiwin3210s.pdf not found

Thu, Oct 8 2015 1:50 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Please be advised that when I click on the PDF manual icon to the right of the modules manual for Rad Studio 10S, the following error pops up:- >>

Yes, the PDFs aren't up there yet.  I'm getting 2.02 with 10S support ready now.

Tim Young
Elevate Software