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Thread Dataset load response error
Sun, Nov 8 2015 3:22 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 11/8/2015 2:34 PM, Riaz wrote:
> thank you for the step by step guide, i had manage to do this in IDE
> i wanted to run the project1.html without the IDE and this is where i am stuck

What exactly are you stuck with ?

You need to run both EWB app AND data from EWB Web server in this case
(without IDE) - there are no code changes needed.

So you would need to do following :

I will assume you have your project working OK in IDE (with dataset also
server by IDE).

Compile the project and deploy it - either by using IDE deployment
capability or manually copying the files that are in the project
"output" folder.

In my case i will continue with the existing sample project i have
(steps from my previous email).

1. I created a new folder in "D:\temp\dbisam\ewbapp" and then configured
the project Option and set deployment as follows :
> Deployment Method : Copy (default)
> Destination Path : D:\temp\dbisam\ewbapp

2. Compile and deploy the application - it should copy the html and js
file to deployment folder

3. close IDE

4. start EWB2 web server

5. Access it main window (right click on tray icon and Restore)

6. take web server offline

7. click the configure button for web server

8. Connections tab :
> in my case i want to host the EWB web server on port 8888 so i
changed the port to "8888" and left other items with default values

9. Content tab :
> change "Content folder" to your app folder :" D:\temp\dbisam\ewbapp
in my case (if you want a higher up root folder that's OK as well but in
that case remember to add folders to the URL later on when accessing app)
> i will assume that rest of the items on this tab are left as defaults

10. Datasets Tab :
> either add the dataset manually like you did in IDE (prev step 2) or
use Import button to import datasets from IDE)

11. Click OK to close config window and take web server back online

12. At this point I can access my datasets using


and i see JSON data

( using IP also works fine i.e. in my case)

13.To access the app i have to access this URL (my app is named gridtest
and file is gridtest.html):


and it loads fine and works OK here also.

Again i can use IP instead of localhost as well

> with IDE its ok, but without IDE its not, maybe fault with the ewbsrvr  causing the error or my network settings

It means you have not configured the web server properly or have not
deployed the app properly - it does work as long as app and data are
both served by the same EWB web server (steps above).

Sun, Nov 8 2015 3:56 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

Riaz wrote:
i have 30,31,32,33,34  tickets they all work for me, this is ewb1 running
my problem is ewb2 Frown

One thing i forgot to mention is that the web server has not really changed if i remember correctly (only thing of consequence would be the URL of the hosted  datasets and that i believe is same still).

Anyways, just saying that if you need to you should be able to develop the app on EWB2 but then deploy it on EWB1 web server still - as long as same datasets etc exists it should work.

Sun, Nov 8 2015 4:29 PMPermanent Link



after totally removing ewb2 and ew1 and re-installed ew2 i finally followed your last tutorial and it worked

phew..  thank you ever so much

Mon, Nov 9 2015 5:55 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< i have a problem with the following error

Error: Dataset load response error ( cannot connect to server)

this works ok http://epos4u.4irc.com:6005/datasets?method=rows&dataset=butts >>

It's a bug in the cross-origin resource handling for the datasets.  A fix will be in 2.02 B5.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Nov 9 2015 6:00 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< i wanted to run the project1.html without the IDE and this is where i am stuck

with IDE its ok, but without IDE its not, maybe fault with the ewbsrvr  causing the error or my network settings >>

Are you using the trial version ?  If so, then that's the problem: the trial version only allows applications to be run within the IDE:


"You can only run applications in the IDE and the compiler does not emit any application files on disk."

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Nov 9 2015 6:08 AMPermanent Link


Hi Tim,

thanks for the reply

i am using a full version, i did have the trial version installed prior
after removing both EWB1 and EW2 then i had it working

Had great help from 3 teachers last night, Raul, squiffy and Uli Becker Smile

It's a bug in the cross-origin resource handling for the datasets.  A fix will be in 2.02 B5.
will wait for this

Thank you
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