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Thread IDE Design Time Error for TGrid
Wed, Nov 11 2015 2:57 PMPermanent Link


Telemix Ltd.


I created a new project and put a grid on it.
I added two columns.
I changed the name of the column headers.
I then clicked on the dividing line between the headers (as if I was going to try and resize them, though I wasn't) and got this error :

[Interface Manager Debug] Error dispatching design-time event for  instance:  Message:  "GetSurface is an invalid reference"  Stack Trace:  Cursor in unit WebGrids at 1575,39

Happens every time I click there now.
Wed, Nov 11 2015 8:20 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com

<< I then clicked on the dividing line between the headers (as if I was going to try and resize them, though I wasn't) and got this error : >>

Got it, it's now fixed.  Just a missing design-time IFDEF...

Tim Young
Elevate Software