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Thread Animation questions
Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:50 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

When I set animations properties of a TBasicPanel e.g., the animation is
executed during the creation of the form. I guess that is not
intentional, is it?

Another question: I'd like to execute one animation (height) after the
other (width). I tried the AnimationComplete event and checked the
animation's classname, but can't get that to work:

procedure TForm1.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject);
   PanelTest.Width := 500;

procedure TForm1.PanelTestAnimationComplete(Sender: TObject; Animation:
  edit1.text := Animation.classname;
  if Animation is TWidthAnimation then
    PanelTest.height := 300;

Executing the code in btnStartClick shows the "width" animation, but the
height is 300 from the start of the animation, because the event already
has been fired during the form's creation. Probably that's the "general"

Thu, Nov 12 2015 6:59 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< When I set animations properties of a TBasicPanel e.g., the animation is executed during the creation of the form. I guess that is not intentional, is it? >>

No, it's intentional.  It's how you can do stuff like this:


without writing any code.

<< Another question: I'd like to execute one animation (height) after the other (width). I tried the AnimationComplete event and checked the animation's classname, but can't get that to work:


Executing the code in btnStartClick shows the "width" animation, but the height is 300 from the start of the animation, because the event already has been fired during the form's creation. Probably that's the "general"
problem. >>

Are you setting the animation properties for the Height and Width at design-time ?  If so, then yes, the animations would execute at form creation.

What you want is this (at runtime):

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  with BasicPanel1 do

procedure TForm1.BasicPanel1AnimationComplete(Sender: TObject; Animation: TAnimation);
  if (Animation=BasicPanel1.Animations.Width) then
     with BasicPanel1 do

However, this is a little buglet in how the animation completion is handled, and it will possibly fire multiple times when it should only fire once, so wait until 2.03 to try this.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Thu, Nov 12 2015 7:54 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> However, this is a little buglet in how the animation completion is handled, and it will possibly fire multiple times when it should only fire once, so wait until 2.03 to try this.

OK, thanks for the clarification!
