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JSON: Array Properties Not Recognized |
Thu, Dec 3 2015 9:13 PM | Permanent Link |
Doug B | After having read this topic:
http://www.elevatesoft.com/forums?action=view&category=ewb&id=ewb_general&msg=5818&start=1&keywords=i%20parse%20json&searchbody=True&forum=EWB_General#5818 I implemented custom code to read the contents of an Integer array property. However, I'm having trouble when attempting to save the array property. It looks like array properties aren't even recognized as I never see the code display my array property: In WebCore: procedure TPersistent.SaveProperties(AWriter: TWriter); var TempCount: Integer; I: Integer; TempName: String; begin TempCount:=PropertyCount; for I:=0 to TempCount-1 do begin TempName:=PropertyName(I); window.alert(TempName); <<======================================== if (TempName <> '') then SaveProperty(AWriter,TempName); end; end; Here's what I'm trying to do with my TPersistent descendant class: procedure TTestObject.SaveProperty(AWriter: TWriter; const AName: String); var PropName: string; Count: Integer; HasElements: Boolean; i: Integer; begin PropName := AName; window.alert(PropName); if (PropName <> '') then begin if not SameText(PropName,'TestIntArray') then inherited SaveProperty(AWriter, AName) else begin AWriter.PropertyName(PropName); Count := Length(fTestIntArray); HasElements := (Count > 0); AWriter.BeginArray(HasElements); for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin AWriter.Append(IntToStr(fTestIntArray[i])); if (i < Count-1) then AWriter.Separator; end; AWriter.EndArray(HasElements); end; end; end; In addition, the call to AWriter.Append() won't compile unless you move it out of the protected section of TPersistent. Any tips on how to achieve this? Thanks, Doug |
Fri, Dec 4 2015 12:53 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Doug,
<< However, I'm having trouble when attempting to save the array property. It looks like array properties aren't even recognized as I never see the code display my array property: >> Please post the class definition and implementation for the TTestObject class. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
Fri, Dec 4 2015 3:21 PM | Permanent Link |
Doug B | Here is the test unit.
Thanks, Doug unit TestCases; interface uses WebCore, WebDOM; type TNested = class(TPersistent) fValue: Integer; fDescription: string; published property Value: Integer read fValue write fValue; property Description: string read fDescription write fDescription; end; TTestIntArray = array of Integer; TComposite = class(TPersistent) fField: string; fNested: TNested; fTestIntArray: TTestIntArray; protected procedure SaveProperty(AWriter: TWriter; const AName: String); override; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; function ToJson: string; published property Field: string read fField write fField; property Nested: TNested read fNested write fNested; property TestIntArray: TTestIntArray read fTestIntArray write fTestIntArray; end; function TestJson: string; implementation constructor TComposite.Create; begin inherited Create; fNested := TNested.Create; SetLength(fTestIntArray, 5); end; destructor TComposite.Destroy; begin fNested.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TComposite.SaveProperty(AWriter: TWriter; const AName: String); var PropName: string; Count: Integer; HasElements: Boolean; i: Integer; begin PropName := AName; window.alert(PropName); if (PropName <> '') then begin if not SameText(PropName,'TestIntArray') then inherited SaveProperty(AWriter, AName) else begin AWriter.PropertyName(PropName); Count := Length(fTestIntArray); HasElements := (Count > 0); AWriter.BeginArray(HasElements); for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin AWriter.Append(IntToStr(fTestIntArray[i])); if (i < Count-1) then AWriter.Separator; end; AWriter.EndArray(HasElements); end; end; end; function TComposite.ToJson: string; var Writer: TWriter; begin Writer := TWriter.Create; try Writer.Initialize; Save(Writer); Result := Writer.Output; finally Writer.Free; end; end; function TestJson: string; var c: TComposite; begin c := TComposite.Create; try c.Field := 'field'; c.Nested.Value := 10; c.Nested.Description := 'description'; Result := c.ToJson; finally c.Free; end; end; end. |
Mon, Dec 7 2015 3:30 PM | Permanent Link |
Tim Young [Elevate Software] Elevate Software, Inc. timyoung@elevatesoft.com | Doug,
You can't use SaveProperty with array properties because array properties aren't published for the purposes of persistence, even if they are marked as published. EWB doesn't have the ability to automatically handle them because there can be lots of case-specific details involved with instantiation, sizing, etc. Also, be sure to include the "private" scope keyword before your private variables in your classes. Failure to do so will cause them to be treated as special "design public" variables, which means that they will be public and will also have information about them included in the RTTI, which you don't need/want. This is the correct code: unit Unit2; interface uses WebCore; type TNested = class(TPersistent) private fValue: Integer; fDescription: string; published property Value: Integer read fValue write fValue; property Description: string read fDescription write fDescription; end; TTestIntArray = array of Integer; TComposite = class(TPersistent) private fField: string; fNested: TNested; fTestIntArray: TTestIntArray; protected procedure SaveProperties(AWriter: TWriter); override; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; function ToJson: string; published property Field: string read fField write fField; property Nested: TNested read fNested write fNested; property TestIntArray: TTestIntArray read fTestIntArray write fTestIntArray; end; function TestJson: string; implementation constructor TComposite.Create; begin inherited Create; fNested := TNested.Create; SetLength(fTestIntArray, 5); end; destructor TComposite.Destroy; begin fNested.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TComposite.SaveProperties(AWriter: TWriter); var Count: Integer; HasElements: Boolean; i: Integer; begin inherited SaveProperties(AWriter); AWriter.PropertyName('TestIntArray'); Count := Length(fTestIntArray); HasElements := (Count > 0); AWriter.BeginArray(HasElements); for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin AWriter.IntegerArrayElement(fTestIntArray[i]); // Just use your Append hack for now if (i < Count-1) then AWriter.Separator; end; AWriter.EndArray(HasElements); end; function TComposite.ToJson: string; var Writer: TWriter; begin Writer := TWriter.Create; try Writer.Initialize; Save(Writer); Result := Writer.Output; finally Writer.Free; end; end; function TestJson: string; var c: TComposite; begin c := TComposite.Create; try c.Field := 'field'; c.Nested.Value := 10; c.Nested.Description := 'description'; Result := c.ToJson; finally c.Free; end; end; end. Tim Young Elevate Software www.elevatesoft.com |
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