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Thread onclick runtime for tpanel create runtime
Mon, Mar 14 2016 7:46 AMPermanent Link


Telemix Ltd.


that last post was for your other question as it deals with FREE.

But the principle is the same. You either need to identify the TPanels using something like tag or create your own TObject array and step through that.
Mon, Mar 14 2016 8:44 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Pasquale wrote:

>   with TSlideShow.Create(nil) do
>               begin                     
>                 Parent               := ricaricheonline;

I suspect that should be

  with TSlideShow.Create(ricaricheonline) do
               Parent               := ricaricheonline;

So the owner is the parent too. But if you need to reference the panel
or slideshow, you should assign them to a variable.

  xSlideShow := TSlideShow.Create(ricaricheonline);
  with xSlideShow do
               Parent               := ricaricheonline;

(I would never use With myself, but it is there for those who want
confusion. 8-)


Matthew Jones
Mon, Mar 14 2016 8:55 AMPermanent Link


Telemix Ltd.


Just beat me to it Smile
I agree - I hate "with" but each to their own....
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