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Thread layouts - can't get my head round this !
Sun, Mar 13 2016 6:09 AMPermanent Link



Form sizes set to 1024 x 768 (wxh)

The details:



headerpanel1:: lcBottom,loNone,lpTopLeft,False,lsRight

leftpanel1 with button1: lcRight,loNone,lbTopLeft,False,lsBottom


THEN button1 from leftpanel1 above calls Screen2

Screen 2:

What are the suggested settings to make it display exactly like  Screen 1 ?


headerpanel2: ?,?,?,?,?

leftpanel2 with button2: ?,?,?,?,?

basicpanel2: ?,?,?,?,?

(Screen 1 does what is supposed to do and I have tried to mirror Screen 1
but frustratingly Screen 2 - it just does not display like Screen 1)


Sun, Mar 13 2016 10:13 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

kamran wrote:

> Hi
> Form sizes set to 1024 x 768 (wxh)
> The details:
> Screen1:
> form1:lcRight,loNone,lbTopCenter,False,lsNone
> headerpanel1:: lcBottom,loNone,lpTopLeft,False,lsRight
> leftpanel1 with button1: lcRight,loNone,lbTopLeft,False,lsBottom
> basicpanel1:lcBottomRight,loNone,lpTopLeft,False,lsBottomRight
> THEN button1 from leftpanel1 above calls Screen2
> Screen 2:
> What are the suggested settings to make it display exactly like
> Screen 1 ?
> form2:?,?,?,?,?
> headerpanel2: ?,?,?,?,?
> leftpanel2 with button2: ?,?,?,?,?
> basicpanel2: ?,?,?,?,?
> (Screen 1 does what is supposed to do and I have tried to mirror
> Screen 1 but frustratingly Screen 2 - it just does not display like
> Screen 1)

Check the layoutOrder value - that is always key to how things work.
There is a sample that shows how to do complex things and once you
"get" it, you can do magic with it.


Matthew Jones
Sun, Mar 13 2016 7:11 PMPermanent Link


Thanks Matthew

I will check into further.

"Matthew Jones" wrote:

kamran wrote:

> Hi
> Form sizes set to 1024 x 768 (wxh)
> The details:
> Screen1:
> form1:lcRight,loNone,lbTopCenter,False,lsNone
> headerpanel1:: lcBottom,loNone,lpTopLeft,False,lsRight
> leftpanel1 with button1: lcRight,loNone,lbTopLeft,False,lsBottom
> basicpanel1:lcBottomRight,loNone,lpTopLeft,False,lsBottomRight
> THEN button1 from leftpanel1 above calls Screen2
> Screen 2:
> What are the suggested settings to make it display exactly like
> Screen 1 ?
> form2:?,?,?,?,?
> headerpanel2: ?,?,?,?,?
> leftpanel2 with button2: ?,?,?,?,?
> basicpanel2: ?,?,?,?,?
> (Screen 1 does what is supposed to do and I have tried to mirror
> Screen 1 but frustratingly Screen 2 - it just does not display like
> Screen 1)

Check the layoutOrder value - that is always key to how things work.
There is a sample that shows how to do complex things and once you
"get" it, you can do magic with it.


Matthew Jones
Mon, Mar 14 2016 8:32 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


Did you post an attachment ?  If so, it didn't show up.

Please post the screen shot, and I'll tell you how to fix it.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Mar 14 2016 8:53 AMPermanent Link


Hi Tim

I changed the form1 and form 2 layout consumption to "lcNone"

That seemed to do the trick.



Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:


Did you post an attachment ?  If so, it didn't show up.

Please post the screen shot, and I'll tell you how to fix it.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Mar 15 2016 8:19 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I changed the form1 and form 2 layout consumption to "lcNone" >>

Yes, normally you should not set the layout consumption for forms, since doing so will cause any subsequent forms to be positioned within a reduced layout rectangle due to the earlier form's layout consumption.

Tim Young
Elevate Software