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Thread Encrypting a password
Thu, May 10 2012 7:10 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Does EWB have a Delphi compatible hash function built in?
Something like MD5. I ask because I need to send a password from the client app to
the server, and obviously don't want to send it "raw". But I also need to know it
will be compatible at the Delphi server end.

(My app will be used at a University, so watching the wire and time to spend
hacking will be in plenty of supply.)

/Matthew Jones/
Thu, May 10 2012 7:23 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

After reading more here, I wonder if I shouldn't use the encryption on RemObjects.
Anyone know if the JavaScript interface supports such?

/Matthew Jones/
Thu, May 10 2012 7:33 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Hmm, seems the (not really very much documented) RO SDK for JavaScript doesn't do
encryption. Hash in EWB it is then...

/Matthew Jones/
Thu, May 10 2012 5:32 PMPermanent Link

Robert Devine

Hi Matthew - this might be of interest. Haven't used it yet myself though.


Cheers, Bob

On 10/05/2012 12:10, (Matthew Jones) wrote:
> Does EWB have a Delphi compatible hash function built in?
> Something like MD5. I ask because I need to send a password from the client app to
> the server, and obviously don't want to send it "raw". But I also need to know it
> will be compatible at the Delphi server end.
> (My app will be used at a University, so watching the wire and time to spend
> hacking will be in plenty of supply.)
> /Matthew Jones/
Fri, May 11 2012 4:41 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Thank you. I presume that this can be referenced using the external code facility?
And more important, the LGPL - does that have any effect on my code if I put this
in it, or if I put this code in an external file.

/Matthew Jones/
Fri, May 11 2012 12:49 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Thank you. I presume that this can be referenced using the external code
facility? >>

Yep, just use this declaration (case-sensitive):

external function sha1Hash(const msg: String): String;

and make sure to include the .js file in the project's external code files.

<< And more important, the LGPL - does that have any effect on my code if I
put this in it, or if I put this code in an external file. >>

That, I do not know so I'll have to punt. Smile

Tim Young
Elevate Software