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Thread How work with TReader?
Fri, Apr 22 2016 5:02 AMPermanent Link



I have some JSON data from server, how parse their and use in my application?

        "user_phone"Tongueone number,
        "user_phone"Tongueone number,

please give example how to use TParser, where set ARRAY_NAME for work with him.
Example i use ARRAY_NAME - "data"

Fri, Apr 22 2016 8:17 AMPermanent Link

Mark Brooks



Fri, Apr 22 2016 8:39 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Mark Brooks wrote:

> which has worked well for me.

Me too. I posted some questions about this recently, but if you search
using the web interface for TReader etc then you will find all that is


Matthew Jones
Mon, Apr 25 2016 11:37 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I have some JSON data from server, how parse their and use in my application? >>

Please post the class definition that you're trying to read this data into.

The Object Persistence example application covers the basics on how to do deal with reading/writing to/from JSON, but it doesn't cover array handling.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Thu, Apr 28 2016 3:48 PMPermanent Link


Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:

Please post the class definition that you're trying to read this data into.

The Object Persistence example application covers the basics on how to do deal with reading/writing to/from JSON, but it doesn't cover array handling.

it works but for one object, how parse array with many objects, and have array name

{"id":"67","user_id":"591","msg_text":"some text","user_phone":"754546464","user_name":"Name","user_fname":"SecName ","candriver":"0","user_cityname":"City","ava":"def","city_id":"221","time_msg":"15:45:34","date_msg":"2016-04-28"}

  TPushObj = class(TPersistent)
     fid, fuser_id, fmsg_text,
     fuser_phone, fuser_name, fuser_fname,
     fcandriver, fuser_cityname, fava, fcity_id, ftime_msg, fdate_msg: string;
     procedure LoadFromJSON(const aJSON: string);
     property id: string read fid write fid;
     property user_id: string read fuser_id write fuser_id;
     property msg_text: string read fmsg_text write fmsg_text;
     property user_phone: string read fuser_phone write fuser_phone;
     property user_name: string read fuser_name write fuser_name;
     property user_cityname: string read fuser_cityname write fuser_cityname;
     property candriver: string read fcandriver write fcandriver;
     property ava: string read fava write fava;
     property city_id: string read fcity_id write fcity_id;
     property time_msg: string read ftime_msg write ftime_msg;
     property date_msg: string read fdate_msg write fdate_msg;

procedure TPushObj.LoadFromJSON(const aJSON: string);
  R: TReader;
  R := TReader.Create;