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Thread Finding user from Update Trigger
Tue, Jun 28 2011 8:06 PMPermanent Link

Adam H.


I'm playing around with a log writing script that records detailed
information about what changes are made to a database at the DBSRVR level.

The one hitch I'm having at the moment is trying to find out which
logged in user has made the change.

The issue that I have is that Triggersession.RemoteUser is returning an
empty string.

The code I currently have is as follows:

procedure TMainForm.ServerEngineAfterUpdateTrigger(Sender: TObject;
TriggerSession: TDBISAMSession; TriggerDatabase: TDBISAMDatabase; const
TableName: string; CurrentRecord: TDBISAMRecord);
 i : integer;
 Msg : TStringList;
 f1 : TextFile;
if uppercase(TriggerDatabase.DatabaseName) <> 'MEMORY' then
   Msg := TStringList.create;
   for I := 0 to CurrentRecord.fieldcount - 1 do // Iterate
     if CurrentRecord.fields[i].fieldkind = fkdata then
       if CurrentRecord.fields[i].value <>
            CurrentRecord.fields[i].oldvalue then
          Msg.add('RemoteUser '+Triggersession.RemoteUser+#9+ //<<<<<<<<
                  'Table '+TableName+#9+
                  'RecordID '+inttostr(CurrentRecord.RecordID)+#9+
                  'Field: '+CurrentRecord.fields[i].fieldname+#9+
                  'Altered'+#9+'Old Value: ' +
                  + #9+ 'New Value: ' +

       if msg.text <> '' then
        assignfile(F1, DetailedLogFile);
        for i := 0 to Msg.Count - 1 do
         Writeln(f1, Msg[i]);

       Msg := nil;

Appreciate any help.


DBISam 4.30b6
Delphi 2007
Wed, Jun 29 2011 8:57 AMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate


Have you checked the content of CurrentServerUser property which is specific to triggers ?

Thu, Jun 30 2011 2:40 AMPermanent Link

Adam H.

Hi Raul,

Perfect - thanks for that. This is what I was after!

Best Regards


> Adam,
> Have you checked the content of CurrentServerUser property which is specific to triggers ?
> Raul