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Thread Error 9494
Tue, Apr 10 2007 10:48 AMPermanent Link

DBISAM ver. 4.25
I am trying to copy data from one table to another (both tables have the same structure).  The data transfer to the Archive table seems to work OK but when the process ends I get error
Error 9494 too many blob open on <table name>

Please note I am new to DBISMAS and the function I am providing is a work in progress but I do not seem to know why it is causing the error. Note:  the function is based on a thread in
these newsgroups.

function TForm1.f_ArchiveRecords3() : Integer;
 qryGetRowsToTransfer : TDBISAMQuery;
 qryTransfer : TDBISAMQuery;
 intNumBeforeCommit,intLoopCounter,intRecordCount : INTEGER;

 Start, Stop: Cardinal;
 //initialze some vars
 Result := 0;
 intNumBeforeCommit := 1000;
 intLoopCounter := 0;
 intRecordCount := 0;

 qryGetRowsToTransfer := TDBISAMQuery.Create(NIL);

 //Get all unique rows that must be transfered
 with qryGetRowsToTransfer do begin
   DatabaseName := Form1.DBISAMDatabase1.DatabaseName;
   SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM Specs ');
   SQL.Add('WHERE SpecID NOT IN (SELECT SpecID FROM t_SpecArchive) ');
   SQL.Add('AND SpecID IN (SELECT SpecID FROM Specs WHERE state IN (11));');


 //Run query alert if error
   qryGetRowsToTransfer.Active := TRUE;
     on e : exception do begin

 //For small record sets we will have only one commit at EOF
 if qryGetRowsToTransfer.RecordCount < intNumBeforeCommit then
   intNumBeforeCommit := qryGetRowsToTransfer.RecordCount;

 //Prepare query that will do the transfering
 qryTransfer := TDBISAMQuery.Create(NIL);
   with qryTransfer do begin
     RequestLive := True;
     DatabaseName := Form1.DBISAMDatabase1.DatabaseName;
     SQL.Add('INSERT INTO t_SpecArchive ');
     SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM Specs ');
     SQL.Add('WHERE SpecID = :specid;');

   Start := TimeGetTime;

   while not qryGetRowsToTransfer.EOF do begin
     //Transaction loop
     for intLoopCounter := 1 to intNumBeforeCommit do begin
         with qryTransfer do begin
           ParamByName('specid').AsString := qryGetRowsToTransfer.FieldByName('SpecID').AsString;
           Caption := Format('%d records processed ', [Result]);
         on E: Exception do
           //check for duplicate key // based on query above I do
           //not need this code anymroe
           if (E is EDBISAMEngineError) and (EDBISAMEngineError(E).ErrorCode = 9729) then
               //Inc(intRecordCount);  //skip and the loop
           else  //Not sure what other exceptions I should handle here
             //commit records in the transaction cache


   if qryTransfer.Database.InTransaction then

    Stop := TimeGetTime;
    Caption := Format('%d records inserted in %s secs',
            [Result, FormatFloat('#0.000', (Stop-Start)/1000)]);

   if Assigned(qryTransfer) then qryTransfer.Free;


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Silven
Tue, Apr 10 2007 1:05 PMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I don't know the answer to your question but I can't understand why you're doing it the way you are.

 qryGetRowsToTransfer seems to be able to do a select from Specs for all the info you want transfering. You then loop through that and transfer a row at a time using qryTransfer. Why not just do the whole lot in one bash?

Untested code just cut from different bits of your post

     SQL.Add('INSERT INTO t_SpecArchive ');
  SQL.Add('(SELECT * FROM Specs ');
   SQL.Add('WHERE SpecID NOT IN (SELECT SpecID FROM t_SpecArchive) ');
   SQL.Add('AND SpecID IN (SELECT SpecID FROM Specs WHERE state IN (11)));');

Roy Lambert
Tue, Apr 10 2007 1:33 PMPermanent Link

Why the loop -- The reason is because my client would like to have an indication of what record is being transfered.   

But I do agree it can be done very quickly with the query you provided.

I need to find away to indicate which record is being worked on.

Any ideas... my main problem is the blob issue

Thanks Silven
Tue, Apr 10 2007 3:06 PMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


If all you need is an indication use a progress bar and the OnQueryProgress event

Roy Lambert
Tue, Apr 10 2007 3:41 PMPermanent Link

Totally agree,  I am going to go back to my client and ask if he will accept a progress bar instead of scrolling SpecIDs.

I am still wondering where the blog errors are coming from and how to avoid them in the future.

Tue, Apr 10 2007 8:35 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< DBISAM ver. 4.25 >>

Which build are you using ?

<< I am trying to copy data from one table to another (both tables have the
same structure).  The data transfer to the archive table seems to work OK
but when the process ends I get error Error 9494 too many blob open on
<table name >>

Where in the code that you posted are you getting the 9494 error ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, Apr 10 2007 8:54 PMPermanent Link

Hi Tim

I am using build 3.

I seem to be getting the error when the function has completed the 3500 enties and has returned to the calling procedure


Tue, Apr 10 2007 10:50 PMPermanent Link

I restructured my query to use the an INSERT INTO as mentionned above and I do not get the 9494 error.  

Is there away to get the number records inserted when using the INSERT INTO method.

I also implemented  a progress bar on the  OnQueryProgress is it normal for the below query to progress from 0 to 100 twice.

SQL.Add('INSERT INTO t_SpecArchive ');
SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM Specs ');
SQL.Add('WHERE SpecID NOT IN (SELECT SpecID FROM t_SpecArchive) ');
SQL.Add('AND SpecID IN (SELECT SpecID FROM Specs WHERE state IN (11));');

my simple progress function...
procedure TForm1.QueryProgress(Sender: TObject;PercentDone: Word; var AbortQuery: Boolean);
 if ( ProgressBar1 <> nil ) then
        ProgressBar1.Position := PercentDone;


Wed, Apr 11 2007 4:07 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Is there away to get the number records inserted when using the INSERT INTO method.

Try RowsAffected after the query

>I also implemented a progress bar on the OnQueryProgress is it normal for the below query to progress from 0 to 100 twice.

Probably because there are two queries that actually run - the select and the insert

Roy Lambert
Wed, Apr 11 2007 10:09 AMPermanent Link

Thanks for you help Roy
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