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Thread Loading a .JPG into a Blob field ... again
Thu, Jul 26 2007 8:28 PMPermanent Link

"Jeff Cook"

I've trolled around looking for an answer to this one and concluded
that I must be missing something basic.

I'm trying to load a JPEG into a field, plus a thumbnail in another

It is failing on the marked statement with the message "Bitmap image is
not valid." regardless of which JPEG file I select - and why is the
thing worried about bitmap when I'm working with JPEG?

The code is below:-

procedure TfrmMain.btnLoadPhotoClick(Sender: TObject);
 MaxHeight: integer = 50;
 oJPG: TJPEGImage;
 oBmp: TBitmap;
 iHeight, iWidth: integer;
 Stream: TMemoryStream;
 iniFile: TInifile;
 oJPG := TJPEGImage.Create;
 oBmp := TBitmap.Create;
 Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
 iniFile := TInifile.Create('JvDBUltimGrid.ini');
   OpenPictureDlg.InitialDir := iniFile.ReadString('Images', 'Folder',
   if (OpenPictureDlg.Execute) then
         iniFile.WriteString('Images', 'Folder',
         tblPhotosOriginalFileLocation.AsString :=
       MessageDlg('Error while trying to open ' +
         OpenPictureDlg.FileName + '.', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
     Stream.Position := 0;
     tblPhotosImage.LoadFromStream(Stream); <<< ERROR HERE!!!!<<<<<<<<<
     oBmp.Width := (oJPG.Width * MaxHeight) div oJPG.Height;
     oBmp.Height := MaxHeight;
     oBmp.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, oBmp.Width - 1, oBmp.Height -
1), oJPG);
     Stream.Position := 0;

Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
Joan and Jeff Cook
The Cooks Oasis
Thu, Jul 26 2007 9:08 PMPermanent Link

"Jeff Cook"
Oops, forgot ...

DBISAM v3.30, Delphi 6

Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
Joan and Jeff Cook
The Cooks Oasis
Thu, Jul 26 2007 9:58 PMPermanent Link

"Jeff Cook"

Further info.  

If I comment out the offending line, it goes ahead and succesfully
loads the other blob field with the resized image.  I can export the
resulting field with DBSYS and the exported file opens successfully as
a smaller .jpg.

Very weird!

Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
Joan and Jeff Cook
The Cooks Oasis
Thu, Jul 26 2007 10:17 PMPermanent Link

"Jeff Cook"
Jeff Cook wrote:

> Further info.  
> If I comment out the offending line, it goes ahead and succesfully
> loads the other blob field with the resized image.  I can export the
> resulting field with DBSYS and the exported file opens successfully as
> a smaller .jpg.
> Very weird!

Yet more info ... I have workaround the problem by simply using a
LoadFromFile for blob field.  It means I load it twice, once for the
field and once for resizing but ...

Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
Joan and Jeff Cook
The Cooks Oasis
Fri, Jul 27 2007 5:02 AMPermanent Link

"Frans van Daalen"

"Jeff Cook" <jeffc@aspect.co.nz> wrote in message
> Jeff Cook wrote:
>> Further info.
>> If I comment out the offending line, it goes ahead and succesfully
>> loads the other blob field with the resized image.  I can export the
>> resulting field with DBSYS and the exported file opens successfully as
>> a smaller .jpg.
>> Very weird!
> Yet more info ... I have workaround the problem by simply using a
> LoadFromFile for blob field.  It means I load it twice, once for the
> field and once for resizing but ...
> --

what happens if you reset the stream position just before the

"tblPhotosImage.LoadFromStream(Stream); <<< ERROR HERE!!!!<<<<<<<<<"

Fri, Jul 27 2007 2:48 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< It is failing on the marked statement with the message "Bitmap image is
not valid." regardless of which JPEG file I select - and why is the thing
worried about bitmap when I'm working with JPEG? >>

Is there a TDBImage control attached to the tblPhotosImage TField ?  What
data type is that TField defined as ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Jul 27 2007 2:48 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< what happens if you reset the stream position just before the >>

The stream position should be set to 0 automatically by the LoadFromStream
method - it calls the TStream.CopyFrom method with a 0 parameter.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Jul 27 2007 3:23 PMPermanent Link

"Jeff Cook"
Frans van Daalen wrote:

> what happens if you reset the stream position just before the
> "tblPhotosImage.LoadFromStream(Stream); <<< ERROR HERE!!!!<<<<<<<<<"

That's it.  Perfect!

Meitaki maata


Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
Joan and Jeff Cook
The Cooks Oasis
Fri, Jul 27 2007 3:57 PMPermanent Link

"Jeff Cook"
Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:

> Jeff,
> << It is failing on the marked statement with the message "Bitmap
> image is not valid." regardless of which JPEG file I select - and why
> is the thing worried about bitmap when I'm working with JPEG? >>
> Is there a TDBImage control attached to the tblPhotosImage TField ?
> What data type is that TField defined as ?

There is a TJvDBImage connected to the field and it is defined as a
blob.  As per my reply to Frans - setting the stream position to zero
seems to have so solved the problem.

Code now looks like:-

   if (OpenPictureDlg.Execute) then
         iniFile.WriteString('Images', 'Folder',
         tblPhotosOriginalFileLocation.AsString :=
       MessageDlg('Error while trying to open ' +
         OpenPictureDlg.FileName + '.', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
     Stream.Position := 0;



Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
Joan and Jeff Cook
The Cooks Oasis
Mon, Jul 30 2007 8:06 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< There is a TJvDBImage connected to the field and it is defined as a blob.
As per my reply to Frans - setting the stream position to zero seems to have
so solved the problem. >>

That's really weird - the LoadFromStream method should set the position to 0
before loading.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
