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Thread Indexing XML documents
Tue, Oct 12 2010 10:35 AMPermanent Link

Kong Aw

I am storing XML documents in memo fields.  I don't want the node names to be included in the index but the same names may be in the text and I want them included.  Is there a way to do this?

Tue, Oct 12 2010 11:17 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


You have to create a custom function to do it. Here's mine for altering html

The first thing you have to do is let the engine know it exists. I use the datamodule create event. It has to be done before you open any sessions, databases, or table.

procedure Tmnd.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
with Engine do begin
 Active := False;
 MaxTableDataBufferSize := MaxTableDataBufferSize * 4;
 MaxTableDataBufferCount := MaxTableDataBufferCount * 4;
 MaxTableIndexBufferSize := MaxTableIndexBufferSize * 2;
 MaxTableIndexBufferCount := MaxTableIndexBufferCount * 2;
 LargeFileSupport := True;
 OnTextIndexFilter := ftiMassage;
 BeforeDeleteTrigger := BeforeDeleteTrigger;
 Active := True;

The function

procedure Tmnd.ftiMassage(Sender: TObject; const TableName, FieldName: string; var TextToIndex: string);
Cntr: integer;
ThisUn: string;
Skip: boolean;
WorkStr: string;
sl: TStringList;
slCnt: integer;
MinWordLength: integer;
MaxWordLength: integer;
ftiWebStuff: boolean;
ftiHelp: TDBISAMTable;
ftiSession: TDBISAMSession;
URLandEmail: string;
Delims = [' ', ',', '.', ';', ':', '!', '"', '?', '(', ')', '/', '\', '>', '<', '[', ']', '}', '{'];
Alphas = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '_', '-'];
function RemoveHTML(FormattedText: string): string;
 CharsToProcess: integer;
 CurrentChar: integer;
 TestChar: Char;
 function HTMLTag: string;
  Tag: string;
  CRCheck: string;
  EqPos: integer;
  procedure FindClosingTag(WhatTag: string);
   TagLength: integer;
   function NoTagMatch: boolean;
    Cntr: integer;
    Result := False;
    for Cntr := 1 to TagLength do begin
     if WhatTag[Cntr] <> UpperCase(FormattedText[CurrentChar + Cntr]) then begin
      Result := True;
   TagLength := Length(WhatTag);
   while (CurrentChar < CharsToProcess - TagLength) and (NoTagMatch) do inc(CurrentChar);
   CurrentChar := CurrentChar + TagLength + 1;
  Tag := '';
  while (FormattedText[CurrentChar] <> '>') and (CurrentChar <= CharsToProcess) do begin
   Tag := Tag + FormattedText[CurrentChar];
  Tag := Tag + FormattedText[CurrentChar]; //This should get the >
  Tag := UpperCase(Tag);
  if Tag = '<HEAD>' then begin
  end else if Tag = '<XML>' then begin
  end else if Tag = '<TITLE>' then begin
// We need to dump everything until the closing tag
   Result := '';
  end else if Copy(Tag, 1, 6) = '<STYLE' then begin
// We need to dump everything until the closing tag - especially css stuff
   Result := '';
  end else if Tag = '<BR>' then begin
   Result := #13#10;
  end else if Copy(Tag, 1, 2) = '<P' then begin
   Result := #13#10;
  end else if Tag = '</DIV>' then begin
   if CurrentChar < CharsToProcess then begin
    if (FormattedText[CurrentChar - 6] <> '>') and (FormattedText[CurrentChar - 10] <> '<') then Result := #13#10 else begin
     CRCheck := FormattedText[CurrentChar - 10] +
      FormattedText[CurrentChar - 9] +
      FormattedText[CurrentChar - 8] +
      FormattedText[CurrentChar - 7] +
      FormattedText[CurrentChar - 6];
     if UpperCase(CRCheck) <> '<DIV>' then Result := #13#10;
   end else Result := '';
  end else if (Copy(Tag, 1, 3) = '</H') and (Tag[4] in ['0'..'9']) then begin
   Result := #13#10;
  end else Result := '';
 function SpecialChar: string;
  HTMLChar: string;
  HTMLChar := '';
  while (FormattedText[CurrentChar] <> ';') and (CurrentChar <= CharsToProcess) do begin
   HTMLChar := HTMLChar + FormattedText[CurrentChar];
  HTMLChar := LowerCase(HTMLChar + FormattedText[CurrentChar]); //This should get the ;
  Result := '';
 if 0 <> Pos('<html', LowerCase(FormattedText)) then begin
  Result := '';
  CharsToProcess := Length(FormattedText);
  CurrentChar := 1;
  while CurrentChar <= CharsToProcess do begin
   TestChar := FormattedText[CurrentChar];
   case TestChar of
    #0..#9, #11, #12, #14..#31: {do nothing};
    '<': Result := Result + HTMLTag;
    '&': Result := Result + SpecialChar;
   else Result := Result + TestChar;
 end else Result := FormattedText;
function LineIsUUEncoded: boolean;
 uuCntr: integer;
 TableUU = '`!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_';
 Result := False;
 if (Length(WorkStr) > MinWordLength) and (((((Length(WorkStr) - 1) * 3) / 4) = Pos(WorkStr[1], TableUU) - 1) and (WorkStr[1] < 'a')) then begin
// Only if it hits here is there a possibility that its UUEncoded, but we need to check to make sure
  Result := True;
  for uuCntr := 1 to Length(WorkStr) do begin
   if 0 = Pos(WorkStr[uuCntr], TableUU) then begin
    Result := False;
function GetWebStuff: string;
 wsl: TStringList;
 wCntr: integer;
 lCntr: integer;
 Line: string;
 DelimPos: integer;
 wDelims = [' ', ',', ';', ':', '!', '"', '?', '(', ')', '/', '/', '>', '<', '[', ']', '}', '{'];
 function SeekEnd: string;
  Chop: integer;
  Chop := lCntr + 1;
  while Chop <= Length(Line) do begin
   if (Line[Chop] in wDelims) then Break else inc(Chop);
  Result := Copy(Line, DelimPos, Chop - DelimPos) + ' ';
  Delete(Line, DelimPos, Chop - DelimPos);
  lCntr := DelimPos;
1. If the line is less than 10 characters just forget it
2. Only interested in URLs starting www.
3. I'm only interested in the base URL ie if any / then chop before it
4. I'm only interested in one line at a time
 wsl := TStringList.Create;
 wsl.Text := TextToIndex;
 TextToIndex := '';
 Result := '';
 for wCntr := 0 to wsl.Count - 1 do begin
  DelimPos := 1;
  if Length(wsl[wCntr]) > 10 then begin
   Line := wsl[wCntr];
   lCntr := 1;
   while lCntr <= Length(Line) do begin
    if Line[lCntr] in wDelims then DelimPos := lCntr + 1;
    if Line[lCntr] = '@' then Result := Result + SeekEnd;
    if LowerCase(Copy(Line, lCntr, 4)) = 'www.' then Result := Result + SeekEnd;
   if Line <> '' then TextToIndex := TextToIndex + #13#10 + Line;
  end else TextToIndex := TextToIndex + #13#10 + wsl[wCntr];
procedure AddWordToBeIndexed;
 if ThisUn = '' then Exit;
 if ThisUn[Length(ThisUn)] = '-' then Delete(ThisUn, Length(ThisUn), 1);
 if (Length(ThisUn) > MinWordLength) and (Length(ThisUn) <= MaxWordLength) then TextToIndex := TextToIndex + ThisUn + ' ';
 ThisUn := '';
if (TextToIndex = '') or (FieldName = '_Flags') then Exit;
if FieldName = '_Headers' then begin
 TextToIndex := GetWebStuff;
ftiSession := MakeDBISAMSession;
ftiHelp := MakeDBISAMTable('ftiHelper', 'Memory', ftiSession);
MinWordLength := ftiHelp.FieldByName('_MinWordLength').AsInteger;
MaxWordLength := ftiHelp.FieldByName('_MaxWordLength').AsInteger;
ftiWebStuff := ftiHelp.FieldByName('_ftiWebStuff').AsBoolean;
sl := TStringList.Create;
URLandEmail := GetWebStuff;
if FieldName = '_Message' then sl.Text := RemoveHTML(TextToIndex) else sl.Text := TextToIndex;
TextToIndex := '';
for slCnt := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin
 WorkStr := sl[slCnt];
 Skip := False;
 if LineIsUUEncoded then Break; // assumption is the rest of the message is UU stuff
 if Length(WorkStr) > MinWordLength then begin
  for Cntr := 1 to length(WorkStr) do begin
   if (not Skip) and (WorkStr[Cntr] in Alphas) then begin
    ThisUn := ThisUn + WorkStr[Cntr];
    Skip := false;
    if (Cntr = length(WorkStr)) or (WorkStr[Cntr + 1] in Delims) then AddWordToBeIndexed;
   end else begin
    if (Cntr = length(WorkStr)) or (WorkStr[Cntr + 1] in Delims) then AddWordToBeIndexed else begin
     Skip := true;
     ThisUn := '';
   if Skip then Skip := (Cntr < Length(WorkStr)) and (WorkStr[Cntr + 1] in Delims);
if ftiWebStuff and (URLandEmail <> '') then TextToIndex := TextToIndex + URLandEmail;
if TextToIndex <> '' then Delete(TextToIndex, Length(TextToIndex), 1); // get rid of the trailing space

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Tue, Oct 12 2010 6:57 PMPermanent Link

Kong Aw

Thanks Roy,  it works great and I have modified by DBSYS to extract only the text from XML documents.

I have an ISAPI application and I have an Initialization section as shown below:

 with Engine do
     Active := False;
     LargeFileSupport := True;
     EngineSignature := 'mctx70cx';
     TableDataTempExtension := '.edat'; {Dbisam 4}
     TableIndexTempExtension := '.eidx'; {Dbisam 4}
     TableBlobTempExtension := '.eblb'; {Dbisam 4}
     MaxTableDataBufferSize := MaxTableDataBufferSize * 4;
     MaxTableDataBufferCount := MaxTableDataBufferCount * 4;
     MaxTableIndexBufferSize := MaxTableIndexBufferSize * 2;
     MaxTableIndexBufferCount := MaxTableIndexBufferCount * 2;
     OnTextIndexFilter := TextIndexFilter;
     Active := True;

The compiler says that TextIndexFilter is undefined even though I have defined it in the unit.  Where should I define it.


Roy Lambert wrote:


You have to create a custom function to do it. Here's mine for altering html

The first thing you have to do is let the engine know it exists. I use the datamodule create event. It has to be done before you open any sessions, databases, or table.
Wed, Oct 13 2010 4:40 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Since its an event it needs to be defined in the class definition of the datamodule, a bit like when you click on any event for a component and its autocreated for you.

Roy Lambert Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Wed, Oct 13 2010 5:49 AMPermanent Link

Kong Aw


If I use the following code snippets:

 TEventHandlers = class // create a dummy class
   procedure TextIndexFilter(Sender: TObject; const TableName, FieldName: string; var TextToIndex: string);

procedure TEventHandlers.TextIndexFilter(Sender: TObject; const TableName, FieldName: string; var TextToIndex: string);
 Dom1: DomDocument60;

procedure InitMctWeb;
 with Engine do
     Active := False;
     LargeFileSupport := True;
     EngineSignature := 'mctx70cx';
     TableDataTempExtension := '.edat'; {Dbisam 4}
     TableIndexTempExtension := '.eidx'; {Dbisam 4}
     TableBlobTempExtension := '.eblb'; {Dbisam 4}
     MaxTableDataBufferSize := MaxTableDataBufferSize * 4;
     MaxTableDataBufferCount := MaxTableDataBufferCount * 4;
     MaxTableIndexBufferSize := MaxTableIndexBufferSize * 2;
     MaxTableIndexBufferCount := MaxTableIndexBufferCount * 2;
     OnTextIndexFilter := TextIndexFilter;
     Active := True;


I get the compiler error "Undeclared identifier 'TextIndexFilter".

If I do not declare TEventHandlers then then compiler error is "Incompatible Types: method pointer and regular procedure".

This is an ISAPI application.

I am lost.  
Wed, Oct 13 2010 6:14 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I'm sorry, I'm lost as well. I've never created an ISAPI application. The only solution I can think of would be if you have the source to bolt the textfilter code directly into the engine.

I do know that the approach you're trying won't work in a standard VCL app either.

How would you normally hook a components events to a component in an ISAPI app?

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Thu, Oct 14 2010 11:01 AMPermanent Link

Kong Aw

Good news Roy.

I managed to get it working by doing the following:

a) In a new unit I add:

 TEventHandlers = class // create a dummy class
   procedure TextIndexFilter(Sender: TObject; const TableName, FieldName: string; var TextToIndex: string);
 var eh: TEventHandlers; //Global EventHandler variable (see Initialization)

b)  In the main webmodule unit I have:
 with Engine do
     Active := False;
     LargeFileSupport := True;
     EngineSignature := 'mctx70cx';
     TableDataTempExtension := '.edat'; {Dbisam 4}
     TableIndexTempExtension := '.eidx'; {Dbisam 4}
     TableBlobTempExtension := '.eblb'; {Dbisam 4}
     MaxTableDataBufferSize := MaxTableDataBufferSize * 4;
     MaxTableDataBufferCount := MaxTableDataBufferCount * 4;
     MaxTableIndexBufferSize := MaxTableIndexBufferSize * 2;
     MaxTableIndexBufferCount := MaxTableIndexBufferCount * 2;
     OnTextIndexFilter := eh.TextIndexFilter;
     Active := True;

It compiles and it is working so far.

Thu, Oct 14 2010 12:12 PMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate



Roy Lambert