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Thread AlterTables problem
Sun, Aug 21 2022 11:02 AMPermanent Link


Hello everyone and thanks in advance to those who want to help me.
First, I apologize for my English which is not my motherlanguage and second for my possible trivial mistakes ... I am a hobbyist, not a professional programmer.
I have the following problem... I should update the table of a software that, over the years, has been customized for different friends and therefore is not the same for everyone. Now I would like to standardize this table so that they all have the same table format. Things to change are from new fields, to new field sizes, new indexes, new sets of SpaceChars and IncludeChars. Unfortunately, running the code below seems to ignore my parameters related to StopWords, SpaceChars and IncludeChars and apply the default ones (this by checking after the table with dbsys): everything else is altered correctly and I don't understand where I can have wrong. Note that using the same parameters to create a new table, rather than altering it, everything looks fine. I use Delphi 6 pro with the latest version of DBISAM 4.50 build 4.
Best Regards,

procedure TBasileusWin.DBUpdateExecute(Sender: TObject);
 StopWords: TstringList;
 Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
 with DBTable.FieldDefs do
   Add('ID', ftAutoInc, 0, True);
   Add('Disponibile', ftBoolean, 0, True, 'True');
   Add('Soggetto1', ftString, 35);
   Add('Soggetto2', ftString, 35);
   Add('Soggetto3', ftString, 35);
   Add('Autore', ftString, 90);
   Add('OperaAttribuita', ftBoolean, 0, False, 'False');
   Add('Titolo', ftString, 500, True);
   Add('Luogo', ftString, 50);
   Add('LuogoAttuale', ftString, 30);
   Add('Editore', ftString, 50);
   Add('Data', ftString, 30);
   Add('DataAttribuita', ftString, 4);
   Add('Prezzo', ftCurrency);
   Add('Par', ftBoolean, 0, False, 'False');
   Add('CatalogoCarta', ftString, 30);
   Add('CatalogoWeb', ftString, 30);
   Add('StoricoCataloghi', ftMemo);
   Add('ChiaviRicerca', ftString, 100);
   Add('DatiX', ftString, 40);
   Add('DatiY', ftString, 40);
   Add('Copie', ftSmallint, 0, True, '1');
   Add('DataInserimento', ftDate);
   Add('DataCancellazione', ftDate);
   Add('Descrizione', ftMemo, 0, False, '', '', '', '', fcNoChange, 6);
   Add('Note', ftMemo, 0, False, '', '', '', '', fcNoChange, 6);
   Add('Immagine1', ftString, 16);
   Add('Immagine2', ftString, 16);
   Add('Marker', ftFixedChar, 1);
   Add('Lingua', ftString, 30);
   Add('Stato', ftString, 30);
   Add('Legatura', ftString, 30);
   Add('PrimaEdizione', ftBoolean, 0, False, 'False');
   Add('Illustrata', ftBoolean, 0, False, 'False');
   Add('Autografa', ftBoolean, 0, False, 'False');
   Add('Sovracoperta', ftBoolean, 0, False, 'False');
   Add('ISBN', ftString, 20);
   Add('Peso', ftFloat);
 with DBTable.IndexDefs do
   Add('', 'ID', [ixPrimary, ixCaseInsensitive, ixUnique], '', icFull);
   Add('Autore', 'Autore;Titolo;DataAttribuita', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Disponibile', 'Disponibile', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Soggetto', 'Soggetto1;Autore;Titolo;DataAttribuita', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Data', 'DataAttribuita;Autore;Titolo', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('DatiX', 'DatiX', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('DatiY', 'DatiY', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('DataInserimento', 'DataInserimento', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('DataCancellazione', 'DataCancellazione', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Marker', 'Marker', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Prezzo', 'Prezzo', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('PrimaEdizione', 'PrimaEdizione', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Illustrata', 'Illustrata', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Autografa', 'Autografa', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('ISBN', 'ISBN', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
   Add('Sovracoperta', 'Sovracoperta', [ixCaseInsensitive], '', icFull);
 StopWords := TStringList.Create;
   with StopWords do
   DBTable.AlterTable(1040, 5, 3, False, '', 'Basileus', 4096, 256, DBTable.LastAutoIncValue,    'Soggetto1;Soggetto2;Soggetto3;Autore;Titolo;Luogo;LuogoAttuale;Editore;DataAttribuita;CatalogoCarta;CatalogoWeb;ChiaviRicerca;Descrizione;Note;Lingua',
     '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' +
     #250+#251+#252+#253+#254+#255, False);
 Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
 MessageDlg('Aggiornamento degli archivi completato!', mtInformation,
   [mbOk], 0);