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Thread Insert record
Tue, Jul 31 2007 4:39 AMPermanent Link


Sometimes I need to return deleted record in database.
I am using AfterDeleteTrigger event to do this but actually I don't know how to do this.
I know that CurrentRecord: TDBISAMRecord keeps values of deleted record in OldValues.
It would be easy to assign OldValues to NewValues and add TDBISAMRecord to table, unfortunately
there is no option to add TDBISAMRecord object to record or maybe there is?. So I need to use SQL to insert record back to table.

I have tried to use code below, but got error "Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)" and this is logical because I can't mix
many field types into one string.

Could anyone suggest solution?

procedure TdmEngine.DBISAMEngineAfterDeleteTrigger(Sender: TObject;
 TriggerSession: TDBISAMSession; TriggerDatabase: TDBISAMDatabase;
 const TableName: string; CurrentRecord: TDBISAMRecord);


 if SameText(TableName, 'topic') = true then
 UpdTableName := 'topic';
   for i := 0 to CurrentRecord.FieldCount-1 do
     aFld := CurrentRecord.Fields[i];
     if (aFld.FieldKind = fkData) then
       if aFldNames > '' then
         aFldNames := aFldNames + ',';
         aFldValues := aFldValues + ',';
       aFldNames := aFldNames + aFld.FieldName;
       aFldValues := aFldValues +  aFld.OldValue;
   if aFldNames = '' then abort;
   qTopic.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO ' + UpdTableName + '(' + aFldNames + ') VALUES(' + aFldValues + ')';

Tue, Jul 31 2007 8:36 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Could anyone suggest solution?  >>

Do this:

1) Declare and create a local TDBISAMTable component that references the
table that you want to insert into.

2) Put the TDBISAMTable into insert mode by calling the Insert method.

3) Loop through the fields for the CurrentRecord, and assign them to the
fields for the TDBISAMTable using the TField.Assign method.

4) Call the TDBISAMTable.Post method.

You can see how to loop through the fields and assign one TField to another


Tim Young
Elevate Software
