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Thread Need a bit of design advice
Tue, Nov 13 2007 4:56 AMPermanent Link

Hi all,

Using v3.27 & I have 4 tables
- Customer
- Payroll
- Job
- Job Transaction

The Job Transaction table has fields
- JobID
- PayrollID
- Date

and the Job table has fileds
- JobID
- Job Name
- CustomerID

and the Customer table
- CustomerID
- Customer Name

and I want a query to give me the fields
Date, Payroll Name, Job Name, Customer Name

I am OK to get the Job Number but how is the best way to get the
Customer Name into the equation

Tue, Nov 13 2007 6:38 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


something like

SELECT Date, PayrollName, JobName, CustomerName FROM Transactions
JOIN Jobs ON JobID = JobID
JOIN Customer ON Jobs.CustimerID = CustomerID

Roy Lambert
Tue, Nov 13 2007 6:30 PMPermanent Link


>SELECT Date, PayrollName, JobName, CustomerName FROM Transactions
>JOIN Jobs ON JobID = JobID
>JOIN Customer ON Jobs.CustimerID = CustomerID

SELECT JobTran.Date, Payroll.Surname, JobCosts.JobCostCode
FROM (JobTran LEFT JOIN JobCosts ON JobTran.JobID = JobCosts.JobID)
LEFT JOIN Payroll ON JobTran.PayrollID = Payroll.PayrollID;

Gives me the Date, Name, Job Number (including ALL rows from JobTran
table and only those records from the other 2 tables where the joined
fields are equal).

How can I include the Customer table into this expression? (so I get
Date, Payroll Name, Job Number, Customer Name)

Tue, Nov 13 2007 9:11 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< How can I include the Customer table into this expression? (so I get
Date, Payroll Name, Job Number, Customer Name) >>

SELECT JobTran.Date, Payroll.Surname, JobCosts.JobCostCode,
Customer."Customer Name"
FROM (JobTran LEFT JOIN JobCosts ON JobTran.JobID = JobCosts.JobID)
LEFT JOIN Payroll ON JobTran.PayrollID = Payroll.PayrollID
LEFT JOIN Customer ON JobTran.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID;

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Nov 14 2007 11:50 PMPermanent Link


That did the trick, thanks
Sat, Nov 24 2007 6:20 PMPermanent Link

><< How can I include the Customer table into this expression? (so I get
>Date, Payroll Name, Job Number, Customer Name) >>
>SELECT JobTran.Date, Payroll.Surname, JobCosts.JobCostCode,
>Customer."Customer Name"
>FROM (JobTran LEFT JOIN JobCosts ON JobTran.JobID = JobCosts.JobID)
>LEFT JOIN Payroll ON JobTran.PayrollID = Payroll.PayrollID
>LEFT JOIN Customer ON JobTran.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID;

I now need a variation on this so (instead of Payroll.Surname) it
gives me Payroll.Surname + Payroll.FirstName   (i.e. Jones, Tom)

I tried
Payroll."Surname" + ", " + Payroll."FirstName"
Payroll.Surname + ', ' + Payroll.FirstName
but no luck

Sun, Nov 25 2007 7:57 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate



(Payroll.Surname + ', ' + Payroll.FirstName) AS FullName

Roy Lambert
Sun, Nov 25 2007 3:31 PMPermanent Link

>(Payroll.Surname + ', ' + Payroll.FirstName) AS FullName

That worked, thanks Roy
Fri, Feb 29 2008 6:20 AMPermanent Link


I have another variation to this that is not working

I have 3 fields Customer.City, Customer.State, Customer .zip and I am
using SQL to get a result of

Sydney, NSW, 2000

I have tried
SQL.Add('(Customer.City + Customer.State) AS LastAddressLine '); and
it works BUT I get    SydneyNSW

I have tried many combinations of

SQL.Add('(Customer.City ' + '''', '''' + ' Customer.State) AS
LastAddressLine ');

but I am always getting errors Frown
What is the correct syntax for this ?

Thank you very much,
Fri, Feb 29 2008 6:37 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


What you're doing is right, but with the wrong number of quotes. I find in easier to use QuotedStr eg

SQL.Add('Customer.City' + QuotedStr(', ') +' Customer.State AS LastAddressLine ');

Saves a lot of trying to count the little blighters AND figure out how many there should be Smiley

Roy Lambert

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