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Thread Data Set Tool Bar Icons replaced by Text
Thu, Sep 24 2020 6:57 AMPermanent Link

Richard Harding

Wise Nutrition Coaching

I have a similar problem to Rob with captions in the Data Set Tool Bars in version 17.

My Toolbar icons have been replaced by Captions. Captions have not been set for the buttons.


Attachments: DataSet ToolBars.jpg
Thu, Sep 24 2020 11:19 AMPermanent Link

Rob Frye

> Richard Harding wrote:
> I have a similar problem to Rob with captions in the Data Set Tool Bars in version 17.
> My Toolbar icons have been replaced by Captions. Captions have not been set for the buttons.
> Richard

Yes, this would be the same problem.  If you resize the toolbar I'm quite sure you will see the icons are still there.  However, you will see that the Caption setting within each button (which you originally cleared) has been restored to an initial value.  If you clear the Caption settings again you will see they keep returning every time the form is saved and reloaded.

This bug is particularly troubling with the TDataSetToolbar, TMenuBarItem, and TButton components because it isn't unusual to use them with empty Caption property settings.
