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Thread Almost there with EWB3
Wed, Mar 11 2020 2:06 PMPermanent Link

Douglas Lyman

Two more errors left for full compile of HealthBiller:


function TMainForm.OnError(Sender: TObject; const Message: String; Line: Integer): Boolean;

Application.OnError := MainForm.OnError;   <<< Error:  Expected a variable...

2) This code still does not compile:

function TMainForm.PageCloseQuery(Sender: TObject): Boolean;
 if (Sender is TPage) and
   (TPage(Sender).ControlCount > 0) and
   (TPage(Sender).Controls[0] is TForm) and
   (TForm(TPage(Sender).Controls[0]).OnCloseQuery <> Nil) then
     Result := TForm(TPage(Sender).Controls[0]).OnCloseQuery  <<< error on this line
   Result := True;
Wed, Mar 11 2020 3:40 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< function TMainForm.OnError(Sender: TObject; const Message: String; Line: Integer): Boolean; >>

The OnError event declaration changed in the last build:

From WebForms unit:

  TErrorEvent = function (Sender: TObject; const Message: String): Boolean of object;

The Line parameter is gone.  The general goal here is to get stack traces in there instead of just the line number.  

Also, EWB 3 just wraps JS Error instances in an EWB Exception object instances so that "is" operations work correctly, whereas previous EWB versions use Error object instances, which had issues with "is" operations in certain browsers.

<< This code still does not compile: >>

You're not passing the correct parameters:

function TMainForm.PageCloseQuery(Sender: TObject): Boolean;
 if (Sender is TPage) and
   (TPage(Sender).ControlCount > 0) and
   (TPage(Sender).Controls[0] is TForm) and
   (TForm(TPage(Sender).Controls[0]).OnCloseQuery <> Nil) then
     Result := TForm(TPage(Sender).Controls[0]).OnCloseQuery (Sender)  // Needs the Sender parameter
   Result := True;

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Thu, Mar 12 2020 6:35 PMPermanent Link

Douglas Lyman


Full compile of HealthBiller with 0 hints and 0 warnings.  Now just waiting for the database video.  Thank you!