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Thread Camera support in Nice Component Library
Sun, Jun 5 2022 5:30 PMPermanent Link



There is a new camera component in my Nice Component Library.

With a few easy lines, you can easily call the Camera unit to turn on video, so the user can aim the camera as they please, then press the button to take the photo.  If using with multiple cameras (eg. front and back on a phone), the user can alternate between the various cameras with a TButtonComboBox.

The photo is returned as a PNG base64 string which you can assign to a TImage, or send to the server as a string, like if you have a database field defined as a string.  EWB easily passes the string to the server.

Depending on what server technologies you use, your server code can often save the PNG base64 string to your database as type mediumtext (MySQL up to 16 MB), or you can save it as a file.

You need to use HTTPS for WebRTC to allow the camera to interact with the web page.  
eg. https://erickengelke.com/nice/samples.html

Contact me for details.
EWB Programming Books and Component Library