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Thread Modern looking control designs
Tue, Jan 19 2021 12:56 PMPermanent Link


The product screenshots for EWB3 show a modern looking theme for buttons and controls, how do I get these for my App?


My buttons are still the old grey colour, I know that EWB 1 had several supplied themes is this modern looking control designs included in EWB 3?
Fri, Jan 22 2021 12:35 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< The product screenshots for EWB3 show a modern looking theme for buttons and controls, how do I get these for my App? >>

I ran out of time to do a complete set, but the application-specific control interface sets are in the \client\interfaces subdirectory under each example application.  You can just copy them from there, or change the search paths for your application project so that it picks them up:


under "Build".

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Fri, Jan 22 2021 4:58 PMPermanent Link


Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:

<<You can just copy them from there, or change the search paths for your application project so that it picks them up>>

Thanks Tim, I have copied the musiccollection to my projects folder and modified project options but the buttons show white until I hover over them and then they show the text - even after I move the mouse away from the control? This occurs both in the IDE and Edge
Sat, Jan 23 2021 11:27 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Thanks Tim, I have copied the musiccollection to my projects folder and modified project options but the buttons show white until I hover over them and then they show the text - even after I move the mouse away from the control? This occurs both in the IDE and Edge >>

If this is an existing project, then you need to reset each control so that it re-initializes the UI properties that you've already set for the control to the defaults.  To do this, click on the control and then click on the last toolbar button on the designer toolbar at the top of the designer surface in the IDE.

Tim Young
Elevate Software