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Thread Left align
Wed, Jul 15 2020 10:43 PMPermanent Link

Polywick Studio

I want to left-align this tab-panel to the left-side.

How would I do so. I have a left menu already, and it aligns to the left side.

Please see attached.

Attachments: alignment.png
Thu, Jul 16 2020 4:36 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Polywick Studio wrote:

> I want to left-align this tab-panel to the left-side.

You are approaching a transformation in your thinking about layout, and soon you will wish all user interface layout systems worked this way. However, there is a little to learn yet.

The key here is the LayoutOrder, the Position, and Consumption. I'd have your Title panel as LayoutOrder 0, TopLeft, COnsumption Bottom. Then the "hidden" menu 1, TopLeft, Right. The tab bar then will be 2, TopLeft, Bottom.

It's basically like Tetris, but based on the order, and then position. Occasionally you will use Reset on the last in a line to start a new section.

Sometimes it helps to use a BasicPanel to group things sensibly.

Most often you can have panels auto-size, but not if you have a mix of modes, but that's not often.

I think there is a video on this if you need more.


Matthew Jones
Thu, Jul 16 2020 12:52 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com

<< I want to left-align this tab-panel to the left-side.

How would I do so. I have a left menu already, and it aligns to the left side. >>

Please read this section of the manual that explains how the layout management works in EWB:


Tim Young
Elevate Software