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Thread Switch to another Unit
Thu, Jul 16 2020 11:29 PMPermanent Link

Polywick Studio

How would I switch to another Unit?

frmPricing <--

I tried:

1. TLink.URL := '/.pricing'; //

2. This doesn't seem to do anything?

procedure TfrmMainX.btnLoginClick(Sender: TObject);
Thu, Jul 16 2020 11:29 PMPermanent Link

Polywick Studio

What I want to do:

Put a hyperlink or URL to switch to another EWB unit or form.
Fri, Jul 17 2020 4:59 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Polywick Studio wrote:

> What I want to do:
> Put a hyperlink or URL to switch to another EWB unit or form.

You can do this. The TLink isn't really designed to do that, but you can get away with it. I do all the time, but Tim mentioned the issue some time back, and I also wrote an inert version (hacked TLink to remove the real purpose).

The key is to have nothing in the URL part, and then it will work as you wish. If nothing is happening, check that your code to show the form is right - does the form have a parent etc?


Matthew Jones