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Thread What happens to PHP now?
Tue, Jan 3 2012 1:54 PMPermanent Link


ENT Technologies

With EWB handling the user interface stuff (i.e. HTML/CSS/Javascript), does that mean that PHP is reduced to just pumping data back into an EWB web application via AJAX and JSON?

Should I just give up on traditional web UI and burn all my HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery books? Do I actually need to learn this stuff anymore?

By the way, perhaps the next logical step in the process would be for the ElevateDB server to run Object Pascal scripts and send the results back using JSON. Then I wouldn't need to use either MySQL or PHP. I could use Object Pascal for everything and not have to learn a whole bunch of different web languages.  
Tue, Jan 3 2012 4:21 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< With EWB handling the user interface stuff (i.e. HTML/CSS/Javascript),
does that mean that PHP is reduced to just pumping data back into an EWB web
application via AJAX and JSON? >>


<< Should I just give up on traditional web UI and burn all my HTML5, CSS3
and JQuery books? Do I actually need to learn this stuff anymore? >>

Well, it always helps to understand what's going on, especially with
debugging the JS output using something like FireBug (rare occasion, but
still may be occasionally necessary until EWB gets a full debugger).

<< By the way, perhaps the next logical step in the process would be for the
ElevateDB server to run Object Pascal scripts and send the results back
using JSON. Then I wouldn't need to use either MySQL or PHP. I could use
Object Pascal for everything and not have to learn a whole bunch of
different web languages. >>

Yes, I've definitely thought about it now that I've got a front-end for an
Object Pascal compiler. Smile

Tim Young
Elevate Software