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Thread How To Return A Result From A Form?
Fri, Nov 9 2018 5:32 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

Is it possible to return a result from a EWB HTML page?

For example, a user calls my HTML page and HTML page calls the web server to do something and the web server does something and returns "OK" to the HTML page.

The HTML page is then suppose to return "OK" as the result.

Is this doable?

Sat, Nov 10 2018 6:04 AMPermanent Link

Mark Brooks



Frederick Chin wrote:

<<Is it possible to return a result from a EWB HTML page?

For example, a user calls my HTML page and HTML page calls the web server to do something and the web server does something and returns "OK" to the HTML page.

The HTML page is then suppose to return "OK" as the result.>>

On the assumption that you wish to communicate between web apps e.g. two different EWB apps then you could use the query string element of the URL to pass information back and forward. So app1 could launch app2 via its URL which in turn could revert to app1 via its URL + a query string to pass information back.
Sat, Nov 10 2018 10:57 AMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

Mark Brooks wrote:

On the assumption that you wish to communicate between web apps e.g. two different EWB apps then you could use the query string element of the URL to pass information back and forward. So app1 could launch app2 via its URL which in turn could revert to app1 via its URL + a query string to pass information back.

There will only be one application to respond to the call from the web browser. In this case, app1 must respond with an "OK" message once some processing has been carried out successfully.

I see having to use a server scripting language such as PHP to be necessity.

Mon, Nov 12 2018 2:31 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Is it possible to return a result from a EWB HTML page? >>

Not really.  You would, typically, want to use the web server as the intermediary between various *client* web applications.

Tim Young
Elevate Software