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Thread TMS Web Development Product.
Thu, Feb 15 2018 12:32 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I am not sure if EWB 3 will do away with using Delphi. >>

It will not be 100% necessary anymore, at least for the back-end stuff.  I'm also working on native Delphi components that will allow you to work with EWB datasets in native Delphi desktop applications.  So, eventually an EWB 3 web server will be able to serve as an application server for both web and desktop applications.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Thu, Feb 15 2018 1:42 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Raul wrote:

> However even with EWB2 delphi is only required for modules which is separate from main EWB usage (and one can use any of the trial or starter editions).

And only if you are talking to the EWB server. I have multiple projects where the server is pure .Net, and no Delphi in the system.


Matthew Jones
Thu, Feb 15 2018 4:08 PMPermanent Link

Steve Gill


Hi Tim,

<< I'm also working on native Delphi components that will allow you to work with EWB datasets in native Delphi desktop applications.  So, eventually an EWB 3 web server will be able to serve as an application server for both web and desktop applications. >>

That is awesome!

= Steve
Fri, Feb 16 2018 11:19 PMPermanent Link



Someone raised the question of why no TMS components for EWB.

I have some ideas and also some questions:

1. Mostly because EWB doesn't have a way to offer non-source components.   Delphi has DCUs you can distribute,  
  but with EWB you give away the source.  

2. There isn't a huge market.   There is a dedicated market, but it's not enormous.  Call that 'n'

3. What would you pay for an additional say, 100 components?  It would have to be a subscription because
EWB changes and 3rd party stuff changes - trust me.    Price x n tells you what the investment will return.

4. Tim's a great guy, but he's got a billion requests and he adds every request to his long, long list.  Are you
willing to buy something now when he might have a built-in solution in a version, or two or three.

I've considered it because I've built as many components as I've needed, including a profiler and something like MadExcept, but I didn't know how it would be appreciated to have a vendor here.

Sat, Feb 17 2018 5:24 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

erickengelke wrote:

> 3. What would you pay for an additional say, 100 components?  It would have to be a subscription because
> EWB changes and 3rd party stuff changes - trust me.    Price x n tells you what the investment will return.

I don't think the source etc is a big issue - Delphi components have had source. And I'd say it was essential for the reasons you suggest. I think the only viable option would be a one-off purchase of a bundle of components. Viable for both parties that is. "You" would sell the components as-is, and run off with the money and no long term commitment. "I" would buy them, and have the source so I can customise and maintain them. WHen EWB 4 comes out, making them work is my problem. So long as everyone knew that up front, I think it would work. But the money would probably be high, and not enough value for many buyers. Such is the specialist market. Plus EWB is easy to work your way to any component really anyway, so lots would DIY.

But, it does make sense for the 3.1 release to be focused on components. The features are all there to make them, but the product would look better if it had all the little extras.


Matthew Jones
Sun, Feb 18 2018 5:02 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 2/16/2018 11:19 PM, erickengelke wrote:
> I have some ideas and also some questions:
> 1. Mostly because EWB doesn't have a way to offer non-source components.   Delphi has DCUs you can distribute,
>     but with EWB you give away the source.

Considering end result will be javascript i'm not sure how this would
work anyways. Just my opinion but non-source is no go in web development

> 3. What would you pay for an additional say, 100 components?  It would have to be a subscription because
> EWB changes and 3rd party stuff changes - trust me.    Price x n tells you what the investment will return.

I don't use EWB for commercial so nothing personally.

in general though value for money will be the driver here and simple
components are pretty easy once do you one or few so value would be hard
to justify. There are some really nice ones already that Uli and others
have posted.

Feature rich grid or good treeview short term might be worthwhile but
those are non trivial amount of work to build and support and Tim will
be improving EWB built-in ones as well.

> I've considered it because I've built as many components as I've needed, including a profiler and something like MadExcept, but I didn't know how it would be appreciated to have a vendor here.

This is really up to Tim : his forum and his product.

However in general once EWB drops IE9 and IDE switches to a more modern
browser this alone opens up improved capability in EWB and in things
like debugging. Even today running something like Chrome alongside IDE
provides great power.

Sun, Feb 18 2018 11:18 PMPermanent Link



Raul wrote:

On 2/16/2018 11:19 PM, erickengelke wrote:
> I have some ideas and also some questions:

>> 3. What would you pay for an additional say, 100 components?  It would have to be a subscription because
>> EWB changes and 3rd party stuff changes - trust me.    Price x n tells you what the investment will return.

>I don't use EWB for commercial so nothing personally.

I have to clean them up but I've got some powerful ones, like a richedit written fully in EWB, so there is no extra JS source.  A trivial proof can be found at: http://erickengelke.com/simplerichedit.html but that one clearly needs some TLC to make it look better.

I held off because I didn't  know what Tim's plans were and because I have a lot of other things on my plate.  

I was thinking of a $50 price for all components, including a 1 year update subscription.  People would be free to use them after the year, but I can't guarantee EWB compatibility beyond.

Mon, Feb 19 2018 4:14 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

erickengelke wrote:

> I was thinking of a $50 price for all components

I think I'd pay that, so that makes you rich! 8-)

Key is, adding extra options, or making something way better than the standard ones. Quite a lot of work.


Matthew Jones
Mon, Feb 19 2018 8:37 AMPermanent Link



erickengelke wrote:

> I was thinking of a $50 price for all components>

>I think I'd pay that, so that makes you rich! 8-)

>Key is, adding extra options, or making something way better than the standard ones. Quite a lot of work.

The hard part is all the experimentation to make things work in the first place.
After that's done, the code looks terribly simple.

And yes, EWB's inheritance makes it easy to extend things.

Thu, Feb 22 2018 3:50 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I've considered it because I've built as many components as I've needed, including a profiler and something like MadExcept, but I didn't know how it would be appreciated to have a vendor here. >>

Feel free to use the Components forum for this.

It would make me very happy to have 3rd party developers adding components for EWB.  It was the whole raison d'ętre for EWB 2.x and I went to great lengths to make sure that 3rd parties can easily create and distribute components for EWB.

I effectively have created an application format for server-side EWB 3 applications, and I can re-use that for package management in the IDE.  This format supports encryption, so it could be used to allow for installation of packages into the IDE where license keys can be used for decrypting the source code and using it in the IDE, but not allowing for copying when at-rest on disk.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
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