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Thread Bug appears when using PagePanel1PageChange() method
Sun, May 13 2018 10:56 AMPermanent Link


When using the method PagePanel1PageChange(),
the content of the PagePanel is not displayed at runtime,
it is displayed only at design time.

Project attached.
Using EWB 2.06 Build 12

Attachments: debugtest1.zip
Sun, May 13 2018 4:04 PMPermanent Link

Ralf Mimoun

Take a look at the help text:

property OnPageChange: TPageChangeEvent

This event is triggered whenever the ActivePage changes. To prevent the page change, return False from any event handler attached to this event

Just add "Result := True;" Smile


Rain wrote:

When using the method PagePanel1PageChange(),
the content of the PagePanel is not displayed at runtime,
it is displayed only at design time.

Project attached.
Using EWB 2.06 Build 12
Wed, May 16 2018 1:21 AMPermanent Link


Oh, thanks, my fault, sorry.

Ralf Mimoun wrote:

Take a look at the help text: