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Thread Request for feature: TGridColumn.DisplayFormat
Mon, Feb 19 2018 2:37 PMPermanent Link


A possibilty to add numeric formatting on grid columns would be very useful with grids displaying financial data. I know that we could use TDataColumn.OnGetGext, but this would also affect fields bound to editing fields.

Thomas Werner
A-DATA Infosystem AB
Thu, Feb 22 2018 3:43 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< A possibilty to add numeric formatting on grid columns would be very useful with grids displaying financial data. I know that we could use TDataColumn.OnGetGext, but this would also affect fields bound to editing fields. >>

Noted.  At some point the unbound grids are going to be converted into using a temporary dataset, and that will give one the ability to have typed-columns (instead of just strings) as well as formatting capabilities (which still need to be added to the datasets).

Tim Young
Elevate Software