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Double value display format |
Wed, Apr 5 2017 3:04 AM | Permanent Link |
kentersoft | Hi,
In TEdit and TGrid Control, how to set a Money value's display format like 12,345.67 Is there have some function like Delphi Format function. Thanks. |
Wed, Apr 5 2017 12:18 PM | Permanent Link |
Howard Chandler Fiscalsoft Corporation | On 04/05/2017 3:04 AM, kentersoft wrote:
> Hi, > In TEdit and TGrid Control, how to set a Money value's display format like 12,345.67 > Is there have some function like Delphi Format function. > > Thanks. > Hi, To my knowledge, there isn't such a function. It would be very nice to have one eventually. A TMaskEdit would also be helpful with formatting data. I haven't used a TGrid(yet); only TEdits so far. What I've done is to use the TEdit control's OnKeyPress and OnExit events. The KeyPress event controls the allowable characters in the edit box (EditGross): function TFrmMainForm.EditGrossKeyPress(Sender: TObject; Key: Char; ShiftKey, CtrlKey, AltKey: Boolean): Boolean; begin TEdit(Sender).Error := False; if (Key >= '0' and Key <= '9') or (Key = '.') then result := True else begin TEdit(Sender).Error := True; result := False; end; end; If you are allowing negative numbers, then also add: or (Key = '-') to the if statement above. In the OnExit event, I format the Text: procedure TFrmMainForm.EditGrossExit(Sender: TObject); var ProperValue: Double; begin // Ensure 2 decimal places with FloatToStr TEdit(Sender).Error := False; try ProperValue := StrToFloat(TEdit(Sender).Text); TEdit(Sender).Text := FloatToStr(ProperValue,2); except TEdit(Sender).Error := True; TEdit(Sender).Setfocus; end; end; This seems to work well for me. I'm just now getting into EWB, so there are probably better ways to do what I'm doing. Maybe one of the gurus will tell us both a better way. HTH, Howard |
Wed, Apr 5 2017 2:10 PM | Permanent Link |
Walter Matte Tactical Business Corporation | Add the Comma ...
function TForm1.AddThousandSeparator(s : string): string; var LS, L2, I, N, D: Integer; Temp : string; sDec : string; begin d := pos('.',s); // Check for Decumal if d > 0 then begin sDec := copy(s,d,length(s) - (d-1)); s := copy(s,1,d-1); end else sDec := ''; result := S ; LS := Length (S); N := 1 ; if LS > 1 then begin if S [1] = '-' then // check for negative value begin N := 2 ; LS := LS - 1 ; end ; end ; if LS <= 3 then exit ; L2 := (LS - 1) div 3; Temp := ''; for I := 1 to L2 do Temp := ',' + Copy (S, LS - 3 * I + 1, 3) + Temp; Result := Copy (S, N, (LS - 1) mod 3 + 1) + Temp; if N > 1 then Result := '-' + Result ; Result := Result + sDec; end; // Usage edit1.Text := AddThousandSeparator(FloatToStr(2134.3,2)); Walter |
Wed, Apr 5 2017 3:47 PM | Permanent Link |
Trinione | This is what I use.
---------------------------------------------- function AddThousandSeparator(s: string): string; var i, j, startInsPos: Integer; ins: integer; // number of commas required sCents, sDollars: string; sl: array of string; begin try s := ReverseString(s); startInsPos := 3; sCents := Copy(s, 1, 3); sDollars := Copy(s, 4); sl := Split(sDollars, ''); ins := 0; if Length(sl) > 3 then begin // Only concerned with characters over character position 3 as that is when commas are needed ins := (Length(sl)-3) div 3; // If there isn't a modular remainder, add 1 to number of comma insertions required // Eg. If sl is '4321' then comma insertion value = 0. // Length(sl)-3 mod 3, equals 1, so it now has a value to use in the for loop, // if no modular remainder it just keeps the insertion value as is. if ((Length(sl)-3) mod 3 <> 0) then Inc(ins); j := 0; for i := 1 to ins do begin Insert(',', sl, i*3+j); Inc(j); end; end; { if (Length(sl) >= 4) And (Length(sl) <= 7) then Insert(',', sl, 3); if (Length(sl) >= 8) And (Length(sl) <= 11) then Insert(',', sl, 7); if (Length(sl) >= 12) then Insert(',', sl, 11); } result := ReverseString(sCents + Join(sl)); except result := ''; end; end; //function ShowAmountCurrency(amt: double): string; function ShowAmountCurrency(amt: string): string; begin try amt := FloatToStr(StrToFloat(amt), 2); result := AddThousandSeparator(amt); except result := ''; end; end; kentersoft wrote: Hi, In TEdit and TGrid Control, how to set a Money value's display format like 12,345.67 Is there have some function like Delphi Format function. Thanks. |
Thu, Apr 6 2017 3:17 AM | Permanent Link |
kentersoft | thank you all very much, since i have many TEdit and TGrid to set, I will let it as just now, if have a offical Solution will be great.
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