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Thread Row index -1 out of bounds
Sat, Jun 19 2021 7:28 AMPermanent Link

Michael Saunders

Again trying to change an EWB2 app to EWB3 and having difficulties getting things that used to work not now working in EWB3

I have a form with a Tgrid bound to a EDB dataset I also have an edit box which is used to enter text that is used to search the dataset  This works as expected when searching on the complete value of the field  but when attempting to find the Nearest match eg I enter 'BL' when seasrching for 'BLAK' I get the  the error 'Row index -1 out of bounds'

Here is my code

   edsearchcustomer.text := '';
Thu, Jul 15 2021 12:35 PMPermanent Link

Michael Saunders

This has no been fixed in 3.02
Sat, Sep 25 2021 2:32 PMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

I am getting this error in 3.01 Build 4.

   Codes.SortCaseInsensitive := True;

I load the Codes dataset and sort.  All is fine.  If I reload after the Sort I get the Row indesx -1 out of bounds error.

Wed, Sep 29 2021 9:51 AMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

This index error also happens if you load a dataset and attach it to a grid.  Click on a Grid Column to sort.  Now reload the dataset and the error will happen.

I expect the grid is probably calling the dataset.sort ....

Just thought I would pass this along.

Wed, Sep 29 2021 11:31 AMPermanent Link

Michael Saunders

This code works in EWB2 but not EWB3  (from a button click) Same error when table attached to grid

Wed, Sep 29 2021 11:38 AMPermanent Link

Michael Saunders

Just to be clear the Findnearest bug is fixed   It is when I try to change the Sort direction from one coluimn to the other that the error occurs
Wed, Sep 29 2021 2:44 PMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

For me - just alling Sort then reloading the dataset (after the sort)  Database.LoadRows(XXX,false) causes the error - whether you called Dataset.sort or click a column on a grid to sort.

Hopefully yours and mine are the same error for Tim to fix.  I did submit an incident report so I know he is working toward a resolution.
