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Thread TPagePanel TabsVisible property not working
Sun, Aug 21 2016 8:10 PMPermanent Link


Tabs still showing when set to False.
Sun, Aug 21 2016 8:42 PMPermanent Link


Also, the navigation on the top right of the component RIGHT arrow does not move to the right tab. It works only for the Left arrow.

A simple test would be to drop the TPagePanel component on a form and add say 10 pages and test the ability to use the arrows in the navigation top-right corner.
Mon, Aug 22 2016 1:25 AMPermanent Link


On 22/08/16 10:10, Trinione wrote:
> Tabs still showing when set to False.

Yes, I can confirm this. The line under the tabs gets a bit thicker but
they are still displayed and can be clicked when

Mon, Aug 22 2016 1:27 AMPermanent Link


On 22/08/16 10:42, Trinione wrote:
> Also, the navigation on the top right of the component RIGHT arrow does not move to the right tab. It works only for the Left arrow.
> A simple test would be to drop the TPagePanel component on a form and add say 10 pages and test the ability to use the arrows in the navigation top-right corner.

I see the opposite - the right arrow works but the left is low-lit and

This is when TPagePanel.TabsVisible:=False; and

The arrows appear to work correctly in the IDE during design but not
during runtime.

Mon, Aug 22 2016 12:52 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com

<<Tabs still showing when set to False. >>

Yep, got it.

Tim Young
Elevate Software