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Thread Search Path Hierarchy
Fri, Apr 15 2016 10:45 AMPermanent Link


Telemix Ltd.


If I set multiple search paths in the project component settings (p.40 of the manual), do they search in order and stop on the first found?

Example, if I put :


into the projects settings, would it check the first one first and stop if found, allowing me to have a hierarchy of - project custom / global custom / environment paths / default system?

I've had a lot of IDE funnies the last week, most (probably all) fixed by a reinstall and probably caused by my meddling. So I really just want to check if I can rely on that being the case.

BTW I know I could just put them straight in the project directory for the first option, but in the name of keeping things neat I like the subdir option.
Mon, Apr 18 2016 4:03 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

squiffy wrote:

> If I set multiple search paths in the project component settings
> (p.40 of the manual), do they search in order and stop on the first
> found?



Matthew Jones
Mon, Apr 18 2016 5:28 AMPermanent Link


Telemix Ltd.


Thanks. Just checking as I've had some nutty things not work as expected the last week or so.
Mon, Apr 18 2016 5:36 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

squiffy wrote:

> Thanks. Just checking as I've had some nutty things not work as
> expected the last week or so.

The one that catches me is that if you have a file open from another
location, it will use the open one, even if there is an earlier one in
the path. Makes sense, but can cause unexpected surprises.


Matthew Jones
Mon, Apr 18 2016 10:37 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< The one that catches me is that if you have a file open from another location, it will use the open one, even if there is an earlier one in the path. Makes sense, but can cause unexpected surprises. >>

That's a bug, and will be fixed in 2.05.

Tim Young
Elevate Software