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Thread Idle timer
Sun, Jan 24 2016 7:04 PMPermanent Link



I think I read a little while ago in some 2.04 pre release notes that there was going to come an idle timer that was triggered after X amount of time if there where no interaction with the application. Are this feature active?

In my current app, I plan to expire their session after 120 minutes. Today, I have the server take care of that and show a warning message when they try to display, add or edit data. However, to trigger this warning message, they have to interact with the server. Would be cleaner to have the app automatically pop up the login dialog before they try to do some work.

I know I could achieve this using som kind of timers and reset those when there is interaction, but if this feature is here already, or will arrive, that would be great

Sun, Jan 24 2016 7:11 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 1/24/2016 7:04 PM, Eivind wrote:
> I think I read a little while ago in some 2.04 pre release notes that there was going to come an idle timer that was triggered after X amount of time if there where no interaction with the application. Are this feature active?

You're likely referring to this from EWB 2.03 release notes :"There is a
new Application IdleTimeout property and OnIdle event for handling
inactivity (no keyboard, mouse, or touch actions) timeouts in your

See the manual to see if this would work for you


Sun, Jan 24 2016 9:41 PMPermanent Link


Thanks Raul for pointing me in the right direction