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Thread Web Server Module
Wed, Oct 21 2015 4:10 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 10/21/2015 11:26 AM, Pasquale wrote:
> excuse me raul
> i have this code
> how do I use "Authenticating Requests" ?
> write me example please .

Here is a really simple example.

1. You need to setup your datasets to require authentication.

In my case i used EDB as database and created a dataset called SysInfo
but other databases are OK as well

Accessing this from browser normally
(http://localhost/datasets?method=rows&dataset=SysInfo) i get this error

"ElevateDB Error #501 Login failed (Login aborted)"

when i include username/password
i get this (which is correct data) :

{   "rows": [
{ "AppVer": "1.0", "ReleaseDate": 1445385600000, "LoginAllowed": true }
] }

Anyways - you'd need to make sure all your datasets are setup this way -
all require authentication to return data.

2. the EWB code itself is almost all like yours :

procedure TfrmLogin.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  IF (Edit1.Text <>'') And (PasswordEdit1.Text <>'') Then
   DataBase.Username := Edit1.Text;
   DataBase.Password := PasswordEdit1.Text;

procedure TfrmLogin.DataSet1LoadError(Sender: TObject; const ErrorMsg:
   if Pos('Login failed',ErrorMsg) then
      ShowMessage('Error! Username/password incorrect ')
      ShowMessage('Error! ' + ErrorMsg);
   //also clear the failed login request from queue
   if DataBase.NumPendingRequests>0 then DataBase.CancelPendingRequests;

procedure TfrmLogin.DataSet1AfterLoad(Sender: TObject);
   if DataSet1.RowCount > 0 then
      ShowMessage(' Login OK . AppVersion = ' +
      //username and password are OK  .....

Note that TDatabase caches your login after this so all future LoadRows
should "just work".

OnLoadError is very simple - in real world you might want something
better there (deal with errors actually etc).

i also like using the DataBase.AuthenticationMethod := amParameters;
before loadrows - it makes it easier in browser debug tools but of
course could leak your login info in web server logs etc

> However beyond authentication to write the web server module need to force Delphi ?

Yes if you use EWB Web Server - which is a very nice option and "built
in" but is not required for EWB.

You could just use PHP/ASP/etc on the web server (you would need to
re-implement the dataset JSON handling yourself though but that is
relatively easy).

Thu, Oct 22 2015 3:47 AMPermanent Link


Web Pos srl

Sorry Raul not clear to me one thing .

But when you talk about username and password you mean those that are used to access the database ?

Or those associated with a user who needs to use your application ?
Thu, Oct 22 2015 8:50 AMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 10/22/2015 3:47 AM, Pasquale wrote:
> Sorry Raul not clear to me one thing .
> But when you talk about username and password you mean those that are used to access the database ?
> Or those associated with a user who needs to use your application ?

They are the same thing in this case - for dataset authentication you
must use database usernames/passwords.

DB users/password are the only ones EWB Web Server can use to provide
authentication at this time without the use of sever modules.

Most databases allow you to provide fairly fine-grained control over
actual database access.


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