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Thread Command line clarification
Wed, Oct 14 2015 3:57 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Tim, could you clarify the purpose of the -sp and -lp parameters
please? Which is used for which purpose? I seem to have to add my
source to both, which is fine if that's what it should do, but I like
to keep my build scripts lean.

Also, the -op option seems to not like a full path, but only relative.
I figured that it would be best full to prevent accidentally sending it
somewhere it shouldn't, but that gets an error. (I send my output to
the server html directory, not a sub-directory of the project itself.)


Matthew Jones
Wed, Oct 14 2015 9:26 AMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 10/14/2015 3:57 AM, Matthew Jones wrote:
> Tim, could you clarify the purpose of the -sp and -lp parameters
> please? Which is used for which purpose? I seem to have to add my
> source to both, which is fine if that's what it should do, but I like
> to keep my build scripts lean.

I find i do not need to reference both of them - one is enough.

My understanding is that "-sp" takes precedence so i use "-lp" for
pointing to standard library and interfaces paths (library and interface
folders of the EWB install).

In most cases this is enough for project to compile (if all your source
files are in project folder and you do not use any modified interfaces).

In cases i do have a modified interface i put those paths in the "-sp"
path only (leaving -lp as before).

Wed, Oct 14 2015 10:54 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Raul wrote:

> In most cases this is enough for project to compile (if all your
> source files are in project folder and you do not use any modified
> interfaces).

My source is all over the place! 8-)

An official understanding would be good to have (as would it being in
the help...)


Matthew Jones
Wed, Oct 14 2015 11:33 AMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 10/14/2015 10:54 AM, Matthew Jones wrote:
> My source is all over the place! 8-)
> An official understanding would be good to have (as would it being in
> the help...)

For anything to do with source it should be the "-sp" anyways


Wed, Oct 14 2015 1:46 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Tim, could you clarify the purpose of the -sp and -lp parameters please? Which is used for which purpose? I seem to have to add my source to both, which is fine if that's what it should do, but I like to keep my build scripts lean. >>

You don't need to add both if you're not using any special local paths for your project.  The main reason that both are there is to correspond to the way projects are compiled in the IDE.  You could just stick all of the compiler search paths in the -lp parameter and be done with it.

<< Also, the -op option seems to not like a full path, but only relative. >>

Yes, it's relative.  I've modified the command-line usage information so that it spells this out.

<< I figured that it would be best full to prevent accidentally sending it somewhere it shouldn't, but that gets an error. (I send my output to the server html directory, not a sub-directory of the project itself.) >>

You can still do that, but you'll have to specify the path relative to the path where the project resides.

Tim Young
Elevate Software