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Thread Close Browser/Tab
Sun, Sep 27 2015 12:54 PMPermanent Link


Is there anyway to trap in the main application window when somebody just X's out the Tab or Browser, i.e. does click on my Logout button for a properly controlled logout?

// Thom
Mon, Sep 28 2015 3:59 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

thomh wrote:

> Is there anyway to trap in the main application window when somebody
> just X's out the Tab or Browser, i.e. does click on my Logout button
> for a properly controlled logout?


Standard javascript problem - and you will hit some security issues I
suspect (the old "porn trap" will probably stop a lot happening).


Matthew Jones
Mon, Sep 28 2015 8:15 AMPermanent Link


@ Matthew,

What do you do with open RemObjects sessions on the server when the user just X's out the tab or browser instead of performing a proper Logout / DestroySession? Just let them timeout/expire?

// Thom
Mon, Sep 28 2015 8:40 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

thomh wrote:

> Just let them timeout/expire?

Yes. The server doesn't care, and the user might undo the close and
carry on.


Matthew Jones