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Thread TSlideShow - Image Truncated
Wed, Aug 19 2020 11:59 PMPermanent Link

Richard Harding

Wise Nutrition Coaching


I have a TDialogForm with no caption bar that contains only a TSlideShow component. When the application starts, it shows the 2 images in the slide show as expected. All is well.

I wish to add a menu bar at the top of the form and a panel to the right that contains some buttons. My images are now truncated. The heading is partially missing and the tip of the northern island has disappeared.

I have tried to adjust the size of the form in many different ways but still end up with truncated images. Is someone able to explain how I can get the missing bits of my image back.

Also, the slide show loops. When the the first image is displayed there is a pause. The transition is not smooth. The second image displays the male statistics so all that changes are the colors. There are no transition effects in place.

Many thanks.

procedure TfmSlideShow.fmSlideShowCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Self.Height := Self.Height + MenuBar1.Height;
  Self.Width := Self.Width + BasicPanel2.Width;

  Application.Surface.Background.Fill.Color := clAntiqueWhite;

Attachments: Japan Male Salt Intake 2012.jpg
Thu, Aug 20 2020 4:17 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Richard Harding wrote:

>  My images are now truncated. The heading is partially missing and the tip of the northern island has disappeared.

I'd be looking at the "consumption" value for the menu (and others). You probably want it to consume space to the bottom. That makes the top left for the image now the bottom of the menu. Make sure the order is right too - the menu should probably be order 0.


Matthew Jones
Thu, Aug 20 2020 2:03 PMPermanent Link

Richard Harding

Wise Nutrition Coaching

Thank you Matthew

<<I'd be looking at the "consumption" value for the menu (and others). You probably want it to consume space to the bottom. That makes the top left for the image now the bottom of the menu. Make sure the order is right too - the menu should probably be order 0.>>

I started again, checking the layout properties. The form was "too big". The size of the slideshow component is the  the same size as the map images. The size of the form needs to exactly match the size of the slideshow component plus the size of the extra panels + 8 more pixels to make up for borders and other stuff. If everything does not add up then it does not work.

Thank you.