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Thread Ewb IDE Search and Jump
Mon, Feb 1 2021 11:18 AMPermanent Link

Jose Verger




Could it be possible to add the feature of finding "Whole word" in a search of a Text ?

Also, to add few Marks or Virtual labels to be used to jump in the code quickly , instead of jumping to a line number?


Tue, Feb 2 2021 11:58 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Could it be possible to add the feature of finding "Whole word" in a search of a Text ?

Also, to add few Marks or Virtual labels to be used to jump in the code quickly , instead of jumping to a line number? >>

Yes, whole word searches and bookmarks will be coming along with a code navigator in 3.01.  3.01 will be cleaning up all of the minor missing features in the code editor and (hopefully) include support for a client application debugger.

Tim Young
Elevate Software