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Thread Has The Lack Of Functions Been A Setback?
Tue, Sep 24 2013 5:40 PMPermanent Link

Steve Gill


Hi Frederick,

<< Let's say that when I click a button at the EWB front-end and I want to go through a large number of database records to perform updates. I would need to pass the request to a script in the back-end to perform the work.

I would not be able to write this script in EWB because EWB (which outputs JS code) is not meant for back-end data processing. A possible language to use is PHP.

Is the above correct? >>

Yep, PHP is what I use for the backend and all the heavy lifting. Smile I'm currently using MySQL for the database but I'm looking forward to using EDB when Tim has the PHP bits finished.
Tue, Sep 24 2013 9:10 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

Hi Steve,

Yep, PHP is what I use for the backend and all the heavy lifting. Smile I'm currently using MySQL for the database but I'm looking forward to using EDB when Tim has the PHP bits finished.

Is calling PHP scripts from EWB easy to do? What is the advantage of using EDB over MySQL in both local and public hosted web sites?

Tue, Sep 24 2013 10:00 PMPermanent Link


Team Elevate Team Elevate

On 9/24/2013 9:10 PM, Frederick Chin wrote:
> Is calling PHP scripts from EWB easy to do? What is the advantage of using EDB over MySQL in both local and public hosted web sites?

Yes - these are simply web requests (equivalent to navigating to a URL
in browser - except you do this in code).
More on web requests:


If you want to use EWB TDataset functionality then you actually need to
implement EWB dataset handling on PHP side. Nice thing here is that EWB
talks to web server over HTTP and payload is pure JSON. Your web server
then can use any database back end.

More info here:

I think for most people the main value of EDB would be simply to stick
with one DB technology for their desktop and web apps.

Wed, Sep 25 2013 4:38 AMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

Raul wrote:

Yes - these are simply web requests (equivalent to navigating to a URL
in browser - except you do this in code).

Good, I will try to create a PHP script to return the count of records and have EWB call it and display the result.

I think for most people the main value of EDB would be simply to stick
with one DB technology for their desktop and web apps.

Will EDB's database be able to reside on any public hosted web server and an EWB app can call a PHP script to process the records within the database? I believe that it is not possible for DBISAM tables.

Wed, Sep 25 2013 5:39 PMPermanent Link

Steve Gill


<< Is calling PHP scripts from EWB easy to do? >>

Yes, once you get the hang of it.

<< What is the advantage of using EDB over MySQL in both local and public hosted web sites? >>

I use Linux web servers so that's the only reason I use MySQL.
Wed, Sep 25 2013 9:22 PMPermanent Link

Frederick Chin

Steve Gill wrote:

I use Linux web servers so that's the only reason I use MySQL.

My reason for wanting to use MySQL as far as possible is because it can be used with practically all web servers. DBISAM (and EDB?) unfortunately are limited to Windows based servers with hosting limitations on public web sites.

Thu, Sep 26 2013 3:31 PMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

I have never had any affection of MySQL.. I have used it when clients had data in it... but I would not select it for development...  

I can relate to this:  http://grimoire.ca/mysql/choose-something-else

Thu, Sep 26 2013 5:28 PMPermanent Link

Steve Gill


<< I can relate to this:  http://grimoire.ca/mysql/choose-something-else >>

And I've seen similar articles about Delphi in the past.
Mon, Sep 30 2013 3:54 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I would not be able to write this script in EWB because EWB (which
outputs JS code) is not meant for back-end data processing. A possible
language to use is PHP.
Is the above correct? >>

Correct.  Or you could just use Delphi code with the EWB Web Server (custom
modules).  This is especially nice if the code is already in Delphi - you
simply only need to change around how the parameters come in and the results
go out.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Sep 30 2013 3:58 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Would the above work if the EWB app is hosted in an Apache web server
running in Linux with MySQL as the database? Although I would love to work
with DBISAM, I want to stick   with just one database for EWB apps whether
for locally or publicly hosted environments. >>

ElevateDB will be able to do Linux pretty soon, which means that you'll soon
have the option of:

1) PHP with ElevateDB PHP Extension using the common dataset manager that
I've written for PHP.
2) PHP with MySQL, as soon as I'm done implementing the common dataset class
in PHP for MySQL, which shouldn't be much longer after the initial release
of 1).

This will allow you to serve up datasets pretty easily on Linux, provided
that you're using ElevateDB or MySQL.  DBISAM is going to be something that
I'm going to have to look at when I have more free time, since it's starting
to show its age and I'm not sure if I want to dedicate a lot of resources
for this type of thing when ElevateDB does all of it and more.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

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