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Thread Themes built in 1.01?
Tue, May 7 2013 1:33 PMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones


If I build a theme in 1.01, will it be thrown away in 1.02? Or will it be magically
converted as best as possible and used as the basis for the new system? I am
pondering spending some time with it, but don't want to waste too much time if it
will need to be re-done.

/Matthew Jones/
Tue, May 7 2013 4:42 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< If I build a theme in 1.01, will it be thrown away in 1.02? Or will it be
magically converted as best as possible and used as the basis for the new
system? I am pondering spending some time with it, but don't want to waste
too much time if it will need to be re-done. >>

The theme files themselves (and their IDE usage) haven't changed in 1.02,
only the way that the style sheets and theme parts are loaded/handled at
runtime in the framework.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Wed, May 8 2013 9:23 AMPermanent Link

Matthew Jones

Thanks. There is a minor issue with editing a theme and then loading a project that
uses that theme, in that changes are not spotted, but you have much more important
things to work on. Put it in your todo list for 2017. 8-)

It would also be nice to see the buttons etc in their hot/disabled etc state in the
editor. And my ideal would be to have the editor allow you to load in an image of a
whole button which can then be sliced to suit. That would make it a bit easier to
do, though it isn't too hard anyway.

/Matthew Jones/
Wed, May 8 2013 4:06 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Thanks. There is a minor issue with editing a theme and then loading a
project that uses that theme, in that changes are not spotted, but you have
much more important things to work on. Put it in your todo list for 2017.
8-) >>

Yes, you have to reload the IDE in order to have any edited themes
re-loaded.  The copy that you work with in the theme editor is completely
separate from the copy that is loaded in the IDE.

<< It would also be nice to see the buttons etc in their hot/disabled etc
state in the editor. And my ideal would be to have the editor allow you to
load in an image of a whole button which can then be sliced to suit. That
would make it a bit easier to do, though it isn't too hard anyway. >>

This is on the list.

Tim Young
Elevate Software