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Thread Delphi and PHP
Fri, Aug 31 2012 7:10 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

Does anyone know how I can use php with a server written with Delphi
(Indy or Tim's webserver)?

I know that I can run php.exe from the command line and save the result
as a file, but I guess there is a better way.

Thanks Uli
Fri, Aug 31 2012 12:25 PMPermanent Link

Jose Eduardo Helminsky

HPro Informatica


I have used a following routine to capture the out of any application into a
string and then send it back to client browser.

cOut := ExecAndWait('c:\webserver\scripts\php.exe parameters',True)

function ExecAndWait(cCmd: String; IsOut: Boolean = False; IsShow: Boolean =
False): String;
var zAppName: array[0..512] of char;
   StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
   ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
   ReadPipe: THandle;
   WritePipe: THandle;
   Security : TSecurityAttributes;
   nInt: DWord;
   nRead: DWord;
   xApp: DWord;
   xBuf: PAnsiChar;
    Result := '';
    if IsOut then begin
       with Security do begin
          nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes) ;
          binherithandle := true;
          lpsecuritydescriptor := nil;
       if not Createpipe (ReadPipe, WritePipe, @Security, 0) then begin
          raise Exception.Create('Não foi possível iniciar a captura do
    xBuf := AllocMem(2400 + 1);

    StartupInfo.cb := Sizeof(StartupInfo);
    if IsOut then begin
       StartupInfo.hStdOutput := WritePipe;
       StartupInfo.hStdInput := ReadPipe;
    end else begin
       StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    if IsShow then begin
       StartupInfo.wShowWindow := SW_SHOW;
    end else begin
       StartupInfo.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;

    if IsOut then begin
       if not
nil,StartupInfo,ProcessInfo) then begin
          raise Exception.Create('Erro durante a execução do comando
          xApp := WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess,100);
       until (xApp <> WAIT_TIMEOUT);
          nRead := 0;
          xBuf[nRead]:= #0;
          Result := Result + string(xBuf);
       until (nRead < 2400);
       CloseHandle(ReadPipe) ;
       CloseHandle(WritePipe) ;
    end else begin
       if not
nil,StartupInfo,ProcessInfo) then begin
          raise Exception.Create('Erro durante a execução do comando
       Result := IntToStr(nInt);

I hope it helps you.


Fri, Aug 31 2012 1:17 PMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> I have used a following routine to capture the out of any application into a
> string and then send it back to client browser.
> cOut := ExecAndWait('c:\webserver\scripts\php.exe parameters',True)

That works without any problems

muito obrigado!
