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Thread A silly detail
Thu, Dec 15 2011 2:09 PMPermanent Link

Lars Bevik

If you change the font size, say from 9 to 11, on a checkbox or a radiobutton, the text is moved down a few pixels. It's no longer centered with the box (or cirkel). I told you it's a silly detail Smile
Thu, Dec 15 2011 2:48 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< If you change the font size, say from 9 to 11, on a checkbox or a
radiobutton, the text is moved down a few pixels. It's no longer centered
with the box (or cirkel). I told you it's a silly detail Smile>>

Not silly at all, good catch.  It's now fixed.  The problem was that the
radio/checkbox controls weren't trapping the font change and adjusting the
height of the label appropriately.

Tim Young
Elevate Software