Icon Frequently Asked Questions

I am experiencing an unhandled access violation (Error #9999) in the ElevateDB Server when my application is running. How do I determine the cause of the problem and get the problem resolved ?

Access violations are a rare occurrence, but are always possible due to a bug in the ElevateDB Server. In such cases, one must use a debug version of the ElevateDB Server in order to help us track down the location and cause of the bug. This is especially true with bugs that only manifest themselves at runtime in a production environment.

All Client-Server versions of the ElevateDB products include debug versions (32-bit and 64-bit) of the ElevateDB Server that can be used to create dump files (*.edbdmp) when when such unhandled exceptions occur.

Information These debug versions are exactly the same as the regular versions in terms of performance and behavior. The only difference with the debug versions is the inclusion of the unhandled exception logging and additional debug information in the binary to support such logging in the dump file.

The ElevateDB Server dump files are just text files that contain memory and call stack snapshots that capture a picture of the runtime environment when the unhandled exception occurred, and will be found here:


where <UserName> is the user account under which the ElevateDB Server is running when the dump file was created.

Information When a debug version of the ElevateDB Server is running as a Windows service, the dump files will be created in the temporary files directory for the System user account, by default, or the user account under which the service is being run. You can verify which user account the service is being run under by using the Services application in Windows.

Each dump file will look like this:


<Date> - yyyy_mm_dd
<Time> - hh_mm_ss_zzz

When the ElevateDB Server creates one or more dump files due to unhandled exceptions, make copies of the dump files and email them to support@elevatesoft.com.

You can find the debug versions of the ElevateDB Server in the following location in the ElevateDB product installation directory:


These debug versions of the ElevateDB Server use a different .ini file directory:

C:\ProgramData\Elevate Software\ElevateDB Server (Debug)\edbsrvr.ini
C:\ProgramData\Elevate Software\ElevateDB Server (Debug-Win64)\edbsrvr.ini

so be sure to copy any existing edbsrvr.ini file from the appropriate default location:

C:\ProgramData\Elevate Software\ElevateDB Server\edbsrvr.ini
C:\ProgramData\Elevate Software\ElevateDB Server (Win64)\edbsrvr.ini

to the debug server's .ini directory so that the debug server uses the proper settings for the installation.