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Reported By: Richard
Reported On: 12/29/2015
For: Version 2.04 Build 1

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# 4328 Using AlwaysOnTop with TSizeGrip Causes Display Order Issues

TSizeGrip control displays nothing both at design time and run time.

Only the TSizeGrip has AlwaysOnTop set to true. All sibling controls have the property set to false.

The best way to see it happen is to do the following:

1. New project.
2. New TDialog.
3. Drop a TSizeGrip on the TDialog.
4. Resize the TSizeGrip to make it observable (50x50 seems to be OK).
5. Change the background fill of the TSizeGrip to a solid color.
6. Drop a TPanel on the TDialog. Notice that the TPanel can be repositioned over the top of the TSizeGrip during design time.
7. Set the TSizeGrip AlwaysOnTop property to TRUE. Notice that the TPanel can still be positioned over the top of the TSizeGrip during design time.
8. Run the project. Notice that the TPanel is now behind the TSizeGrip.
9. Halt the project. Notice that the TPanel can still be moved over the top of the TSizeGrip during design time.
10. Close and reopen the project. Notice that the TPanel will now be positioned behind the TSizeGrip during design time.

It seems that when the controls are first dropped on the form the inconsistency between design time and run time in terms of AlwaysOnTop become apparent. Closing and reopening the project appear to change the DisplayOrder properties of the sibling controls I assume to take into account AlwaysOnTop which fixes the issue. It can be reproduced in a reopened project by setting the TSizeGrip AlwaysOnTop to false, altering the DisplayOrder property to ensure that TSizeGrip is lower than the other sibling controls and then set the TSizeGrip AlwaysOnTop back to true. Once again sibling controls can be moved over the TSizeGrip during design time.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 1/4/2016 in version 2.05 build 1

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
