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Serious Serious
Reported By: Alan Questell
Reported On: 3/17/2021
For: Version 3.01 Build 1

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# 4836 Files in the Web Server with Timestamps that Fall into DST Gaps Can Cause Server Error

I have two identical Windows Servers 2012 setup, testing and production.  Since Sunday, I can get into the test server, but trying to access the production server gives this error.  I don't understand where it's getting this date and time from...time is correct on my machine and on the server.

Everything on the server is running fine.  Web server, EDB server, no problem with people accessing apps...I just can't get in to administer it remotely.

The error I'm seeing is:

Error loading server information from Production Server:

Error executing request to
http://<IP Address>/administration:

The given "3/10/2013 2:37:44 AM" local time is invalid (situated within the missing period prior to DST)

Comments Comments
The web server will now simply increment the hour portion of the timestamp in order to avoid falling into the DST gap and causing this error.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 4/12/2021 in version 3.01 build 2

Products Affected Products Affected
Elevate Web Builder
Elevate Web Builder Trial
