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Serious Serious
Reported By: Wes Peterson
Reported On: 6/15/1998
For: Version 0.09 Build 1
# 138 Adding Record and Then Refreshing Causing Duplicate Records to Appear in DBGrid

A TDBGrid's datasource is based on a table which, in turn, is controlled by MasterSource, MasterField properties. Initially, the grid is empty.

New records are added via a button which invokes a dialog. (Although not evident in the simple test case, this is a useful technique in many of our apps).

After the new record is created by the dialog (which has its own copy of the table) the grid's table is refreshed. The grid "sees" two copies of the new record.

Interestingly, you can select either of the grid's displayed records, delete it, and they _both_ go away.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 6/16/1998 in version 0.10 build 1