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Serious Serious
Reported By: Jarle Stabell
Reported On: 10/14/1998
For: Version 1.06 Build 1
# 234 Blob Sizes Not Being Returned Properly in BlobSize Property

I have a table containing a blob. I want to display the size of the blob as a calculated field.

If I use the line

1) DBISAMTable1BlobSize.AsInteger:=DBISAMTable1Content.BlobSize;


2) Dataset.FieldByName('BlobSize').AsInteger:=(Dataset.FieldByName('Content') As TBlobField).BlobSize;

(they are equivalent)

in an OnCalcFields event, the display in the DBGrid (and other kinds of grids) as well as the displayed value in db-edit-fields are often wrong, it seems it gets lost of the record-nr, and displays values in wrong rows (and with lots of bogus duplicates).

If I don't access the BlobSize property, f.i. use
3) DBISAMTable1BlobSize.AsInteger:=Dataset.RecNo;

there are no problems.

The severity classification of this incident is somewhat arbitrary;
Currently we don't need to display the values of the tables to the user directly, but it would help our debugging if the grids showed the correct values, so for us at the present moment, this is a 'Harmless Screen Defect'.
(If we were to display the values directly to the user via data-aware components and we needed to display the BlobSize (or other calculated fields with problems), it would have been rated as 'System Unusable'.)

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 10/19/1998 in version 1.07 build 1