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Reported By: Adam Commander
Reported On: 11/10/1998
For: Version 1.07 Build 1
# 237 BDE Database Transfer Utility Not Dealing with Auto-Increment Fields Properly

I am finally getting around to building my real-world test of DBISAM as a precursor for creating a query engine in SRW (assuming your SQL version is still a ways out), and I bumped into the following error:

"A record with the same key value already exists. Please change the record to make the key value unique and repost the record."

Well, the table has a one-field auto incrementing key, and three non-unique indexes. The key field, GuestID, does not seem to be auto incrementing. This table was exported from Access to Paradox 5, then converted to DBISAM using your WONDERFUL conversion utility.

Comments Comments and Workarounds
The problem was with the highest auto-increment number not being assigned properly in the BDE transfer utility after the transfer was complete. The workaround is to use the repair facilities in DBISAM to repair the data file in question which will fix this issue.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 11/17/1998 in version 1.08 build 1