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Serious Serious
Reported By: Robert Schiller
Reported On: 1/30/1999
For: Version 1.08 Build 1
# 266 Modification of a Large Number of Records Causes an AV

I then tried running my Import app and I can an AV in about the same place as I did yesterday. This one looked like a Windows AV. I then changed my code from variant stuff to FieldByName. Still get an access violation. The importing from the ASCII files poses no problems that I'm aware of.

Comments Comments
Problem was caused by improved compression in index keys, caused a problem with overflow of buffers when merging index pages during an underflow condition. If you encountered this error you should repair the table(s) in question. If you have not encountered this error then there is no chance of corruption, since in every case where this happens an AV occurs.

Resolution Resolution
Fixed Problem on 1/30/1999 in version 1.09 build 1